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Health Threads
in the
Countryside question and answer forum
Make my hair grow!!!
Razor Burn.... Any way to stop it???
dental work and silver fillings
Homemade Mosquito Repellent...MN strength???
Stone Root
Has anyone tried magnetic therapy?
Van with Chair Lift
Hangover cures!
Question for North Carolinians
How do you RAISE blood pressure?
Need your natural health input
Natural Animal Health Alternatives
CIGNA Healthcare Privacy Issua
Arthritis: I got it , too young- any remedies for it?
MY tooth is killing me... advice please...
homeopathy for panic attacks/anxiety
Great Free Medication Program (for people)
Camphor Oil or Camphorated oil - where to buy?
Need recipe for beeswax lotion
Question regarding incision from surgery
Thanks for all the help (speeding recovery of the flu)!
side effects of SAM-e
I ahve had the flu for almost a week --is there anything I can do to speed recovery?
human vitamins/ herbals for recovery
Fat cornish rock observations, it has changed the way I eat (health/diet)
antibiotics for human use
Peanut Allergy
On Homesteading and the Health Care System (relates to the health insurance post below)
Can anyone tell me how homesteaders get good,cheap medical insurance?
Mysterious Rash
anyone with sleep apnea
annie what did you do to lower bp? (blood pressure)
Niacin- is 500 mg a dangerous dose for the liver? (Health)
Help.... I can hear..... (Health)
Article on Diabetes
Guys - Check Out Your Breasts Also (Health)
What is the best natural diuretic
Need advice on Bum Knee
Rife technology for cancer and other ailments.
health insurance
Vegetarians can't get all the B12 they need from plant sources
Has anyone ever used this product? (BioChoice) (Health)
health insurance (where to obtain?)
Does anyone have a natural remedy for head lice?
Copper pan tin lining wearing away... (Health)
Website for health insurance for unemployed.
Vitamins & supplements for humans
Ear Candles????
Hepatitis B Vaccines-Safe?
Tomatoes, potatoes, bread, spices--the dangers!
Nutrasweet- aspartame the dangers....
Smallpox/Cowpox question
Homesteading as a health plan
What dish soap is best for dry hands?
Anyone have a cure or help for sciatica?
Individual Health Insurance and Pre-existing condition
Question regarding spinal fusion responses
Paracites in humans??
Questions regarding spinal fusion
Ozone producing air purifiers (Healtth)
health insurance
Dr's report much better this time around.
Viet Nam vets- agent orange- diabities 2 - benifits
I Just Heard That Wendy's Dave Thomas Has Died
How long are Vitamins good for?
Health Issues in Pets and Kids
At wit's end (Head Lice) (Health)
prescription drugs (foreign sources?)
Anyone using a Vegan Diet?
Want to say "thanks" for Neti pot advice
Concerned with EMF or magnetic fields?
Homesteading and Health Insurance
What is Collidal silver?
Got the Test Results today..Not what I expected. (health)
Sutures - How To Choose What For Why
Pinworms in Children - Alternative Treatments?
Health Insurance
For those that helped with the kidney stone troubles!
Bad scare last night!
Rotten egg in my cornbread
Cough medicine kills you - FDA (Health)
Head lice....
"Female cycle" troubles (adult medical topic - medical personnel advice would be appreciated)
Drug addition from prescription Mediciine
GOOD NEWS! (Health)
natural shampoo recipe?
Where Do You Purchase Your Eyeglasses
Dr. Andrew Weil,MD does anyone here follow him?
Skylights and UV
cure for jungle rot?
Anyone have an effective cough medicine (home remedy)?
Ear Ache at 2 a.m. - Treatment??
Mercury in Vaccinations
Has anyone had a torn rotator cuff?
handicapped problems
Does Anyone Have "Catastrophic "Coverage Medical Insurance ?
Health Question (for thinking & reflecting upon)
Heat Pack Recipe
smallpox questions
Smallpox - how to care for
For natural food/med enthusiasts
anthrax (home preventive treatment)
smallpox.... (home preventive treatment)
Allergy Relief Diet
Tomatoe juice and cayenne pepper? (Health)
Health Officials Review Smallpox Plan
Does any one out there have Dermatitis Herpetiformis,
Caution, not fear, is best approach to anthrax scare
Does anyone know about Homeopathy?
Gluten-free recipes
Worse than anthrax (supermarket meat)
flu vaccines and alzheimers
Alternative remidies for HPV- Cervical dysplasia
Air purifiers
Does Anyone Purchase Organic Foods From The Wholesaler ???
What Do You All Do About Eating Meat ??
How to remove imbedded cactus thorns?
essential oils
Important information about preventative antibiotics (Anthrax scares)
Homemade toothpaste recipe needed
Anthrax in your mail???
Anthrax FAQs
Homemade Garlic Cough Syrup
Anyone know a website about patients' rights (faulty prescription)
deodorant (homemade?)
Herbal remedies for asthma-bronchitis
anyone ever had to strip to there panties I have........
miscarriage advice (in human)
seeing the doc for a cold
Medical stockup?
Is there anyone out there on a Gluten free diet?I need help
Need To Know Some About Medicine Bella Donna......
Question for a Vegetarian on Fat and Vitamin Absorption
Is any one out there on a Gluten free diet?
What do you do to keep your teeth/bones/eyes healthy?
What vitamin, brand, where I can get everything in one bottle
looking for online pharmacy
Does anyone out there take coenzyme q10 a vitamin?
Need cure for plantar warts
Health Insurance
Toxoplasmosis and a little nasty mouse (Health)
Want to find someone to talk to about Baycol (Health)
Please help - Son highly allergic to ant bites!
Is a Deer Tick Bite Definitely Round? (lyme disease)
aspartame info from MS society (Health)
Alternative/Herbal medicine sites (Health)
Question about Candida (Health)
A rash (what is it?)
Vinegar solution for soaking feet
"Pressure-treated" wood is poisonous
natural treatments for asthma?
Homeopathic asthma remedies
Remedy for headlice
Tetanus (Safety Tips on How to Avoid)
can someone share there expirience with an upper respitory infection.......
The science of what you already knew (homegrown food and nutrition)
Where do you get your energy??
Natural Gallstone cure
coconut cure for Crohns?
allergies / hay fever
SSRI depression/anxiety medications
Passed the kidney stone, Thanks for all the help
ulcer cure?
Medical Information, Please (Ownership of Patients Records)
Kidney stones need a nautral way of passing them quicker
Fibroid Tumor/Herbal Remedy?
New Alternative Health Forum
Solid fats and diabetes in women
Dangers of Paper Towels & Food
Chemicals in Food
Is this depression or burnout?
to eat or not to eat before you run?
homemade lip balm
Surviving a Heart Attack
Low Cholesteral diets
What to do about frostbite (Hands)
Home Remedy for coughs
Has any one out there have a prolaped bladder,and how did the surgery turn out
Does cranberry juice really work to keep away bladder infection?
Natural products for Hepatitis C, that work
Knee injections with Synvisc (Health)
Colloidal Silver - what is it?
Human: Worms and Parasites question
Hernias (Health)
Do tent worms cause sickness?
Healthy Homestead Living (Health)
Cough Remedy
Need your opinion of nurse practitioners and rural health care
natural alternitive for antihistamine
Does any one know a natural cure or help for bronchitis
Be in charge of your own medical health
salty mouth!!!
A Cold That Wont Go Away
Please help me find a book
Allergies in 4 Year Old Son
What do you use Spirits of Turpentine for? (Health)
PBS Program - March 26 - Exposure to Chemicals
Study: Exposure to nature may make people healthier
I can help you with disability related questions
Tell me about your experiences with Colloidal Silver. (health)
Phthalate plastics?
Warts on hands, remedies?
Sources of Food Poisoning (Health)
Toenail fungus
what is a good natural remedy for high BP besides garlic, I'm allergic to that......
I need a cure/relief for dry, itchy skin!
State of Organic Farming in Europe (Health)
sinus infection
Making grapeseed extract @ home
recipe for a "Hot Toddy"
Is there an easy way to get splinters out of a kid?
Free Prescription Medicines
Vitamins/Minerals Question
Fruits for Diabetics
How do you battle Diabetes?
Meat Eaters, Vegans - No One is Safe (Health)
Ebola in Canada?
I WILL get a flu shot next year!!
apple cider vinegar for health
Carbon monoxide danger: please read!
How to detoxify mohair blanket
Good news for the lactose intolerant
BioDemocracy News #31(American Food Safety Crisis)
Suggestions for comforting one with a case of shingles?
Info lines (for disabled and health-related topics)
ribs (how many do humans have?)
Betcha this'll be a hot topic....stuff about Nutra Sweet
observation made of interest to people with chemical problems and food allergies (may be gross to some people)
What do you know about DMSO?
GMO is almost out of control
Government to Compensate Workers Exposed to Radiation
goat milk for infant?
What about sinus surgery?
News Update From The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods
SADD,so what helps?
On Drinking Water and Working Out(Health)
Bad Medicine for Colds (health)
Winter skin care
Pesticide Combination Leads to Parkinson's
Health Alert[health]
Help stop law to make herbal supplements a prescription drug
& about aspirin
My Wish For You(Health/Emotions)
Suggested help for Fibromyalgia(health)
Article about mulberry leaf tea - looking for source of tea
Question for a Vegan (Health)
diatamaceous earth - what is it?
Back Issue Article Regarding Children's Accelerated Growth
Killer Coke! FYI
Preventing the common cold?
What is the chemical in the non flammable clothing?
high fever in younge children
Natural methods to deal with MS?
canker sores ?
I found a source for apricot seeds
Mentally Ill Make Up Half Of U.S. Smokers
poisoned pigs?
Alternative Cancer Treatments - "Must Read" (Misc.)
sense of smell keener?
Don't Let the Turkey Give You a Heart Attach
New Hypothesis Blames Hygiene for Allergy/Asthma Boon
apricot seeds
Here's the Goldenseal salve recipe
How long will he live?
Has anybody ever heard of natural pressure glaucoma and another eye condition, central cyrus?
Why do you drink milk?
Do you get the flu shot?
MSM as an Effective Painreliever?
tea tree oil
sorry about the address mix up (self-CPR)_
Self CPR ?
Where is the website about toxics in grocery items?
west nile vir.
Need help with treating poison ivy
Have any of you ever heard of hysterical eye syndrome???
Colloidal Silver
to pasteurize or not to pasteurize?
Want Grandkids? Don't Use Disposable Diapers
Alert: Non-food grade, bio-engineered corn in taco shells
House Plants Can be Dangerous for Children
Your Gov't. Loves You
Your Kitchen May be a Health Hazard
Follow-up to Plastic Chemicals in the Body
Sinus infection and BAD headache
Medical question (heart palpitations)
Plastics Chemical Detected in Humans
True Story/Haunta Virus??!!
USDA to Lower Drug Residues in Meat
lymes disease---a word to the wise
HELP! Poison Ivy
20/20 Without Glasses ads
Children's warts want natural remedy
Decaffinated Tea
Body Fat and Hyperthermia/Heat Stroke
Soy Products
Elder care and homesteading
Comfrey Salve
West Nile Virus
Agribusiness and the U.S. Government poisoning the people!
Boils Remedy?
Deadly Teeth??
Having Lower Back Problems?
aerial crop spray hazards
Home made cures
More Reason to Grow Your Own Meat
Pure food - how long?
E-coli and Fresh Vegetables
Vacation time. Don't drink the water!
What area is best for allergy suffers?
endless daylight's effect
Do you worm yourself and your family?
Health Insurance and the state of medicine today
Countryside Allergies!!
Alternative Medicine and Childhood Immunizations
Recuperating homsteader
Do you get by without health insurance???
Bananas and spots on hands
CAE an AIDs treatment?
Re: Tick treatment thru brewer's yeast and garlic powder
Aches and Pains of homesteading
Little sprouts
E. Texas question: polution and birth defects
GE Foods-make your own choice
Lyme disease shots
Farm-fresh eggs and cholesterol?
Chapstick for finger cracks
Natural Arthritis help
Looking for recipee for goldenseal salve( homemade bag balm)
Alternative Medicine
child and sugar sensitivity
????? (self-destructing friend)
Germs eg: bacteria and viruses
deoderant stone
Need a cheap, natural shampoo
why can't simming pool DE be used?
Uses for diatomaceous earth
cherry bark cold/flu remedy
Sycamore bark -- toxic if burned?
Charcol Tablets
Moderation questions? read
the FAQ