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Political Threads
in the
Countryside question and answer forum
Illegality of the Income Tax
Quote for the times - war and it's manipulation by the gubment
Oklahoma City, new evidence
govt meter on your well?
Ridiculous Laws in TN
Has anyone heard if the unempoyment extension bill was passed?
Sleazy Governmenet Update -- Somewhat Long
Is This Sleazy Government or What???
Town Meetings/Watershed/Nuclear Energy. Are You involved?
Civil Defence
Saw a good example of the benifits of Modern Homesteading on the evening news(Political)
Bin Laden is dead??
Shadow Government.?
Did anyone watch Law 'n Order last night?
Average Guy/Government/Local news
Any One Concerned About This Biblically? (Political/Religious)
Better Have Babies At Home -Government-
Pakistan and its Prez (global politics)
WWII question
Political comment on American Weenies
Political comment.
Why the tower that got hit 2nd went down 1st
Saskathewan farmer prosecuted by Canadian courts, Monsanto
A long and interesting read (politics)
Social Security
kids defend their homestead! (Political)
Y2k and a couple of problems (Politics)
interested in a boycott? its a rowdy t opic (Chinese Products)
Can you imagine (political)
Plane forced down in China (political)
Personal View/moral
Big Brother is at it again!
Political announcement, (and thanks(
Our new President!!??
nice read (poor is based on one's perspective)
Vote "No" on Bill 602P
Too Funny, Presiden't Busch;'s speech errors
Town terrorized by animal control officer
Two Cow Philosophy {political}
National Homeland Security Agency
Free Speech no longer an issue in europe!
E-mail fee
What is happening in Montana? Please inform.
Who is the law protecting? (More thoughts about the seat-belt etc)
Iraq...whats going on? (Current news)
Bush's Faith Based Initiative, a (perhaps) unconsidered perspective
National Debt
News Update From The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods
declaration of independence/being.
The Gods are working on Earth !!!
Discussion of Montana and the UN(political)
This may be your last chance to support Ashcroft...
Beat up Bush here!!
Tickled pink about our new President
R rated, Thank you, Mr. President
A Canadains Tribute to America
Maybe Bush Did Win Florida (Political)
Show your gratitude (Valentines for Vets)
How about an update on the Gray's in Texas ??
For Constitutionally interested people only
Is reccesion ahead ? ? ?
How many people per sq. mile?..or population again!
Quote of the Day 12/22/00
thumbs up for Joel
What will you do without your Freedom/Forum ?
Leonard Peltier (Pelletier)
The sacrifice of those who signed the Declaration of Independence
Air Force News Article on Voting Online by Servicemen
Shall we have war or peace?
Do Dems Hate the Military?
Links to stories on convoy
To All You Passionate Vegetarians
Punch cards vs. scanners
Census info on United States Code
Census revisited yet again (political, maybe)
3rd World view of our election(political)
Census revisited (political)
Question of ethics
Population control
t-shirts for sale
Part of the problem
Submitted for Your Voting Pleasure
Tell Al Gore "Get Over It": here's his email and phone number
canadian vs american election process
Did Your Vote Count? - Guess Again (Political)
A Beginners Guide to Voting ?
Doctor Seuss Goes To Floriday
High School Politics by "Rudy"
voter fraud
It all adds up-- proof that Gore is out to win, by hook or by crook
More Election News - FL Legislature to Support Bush Appeal
News Alert - U.S Supreme Court to Weight in on FL Election
A Modest Proposal: Secession
Another Law Broken
Sorry Sheepish - But It Appears to Be Over (FL Vote)
Which would you choose?
Thanks for all the Political Threads (Political - What Else)
Request for consolidation of threads: Political
Is the Fat Lady Warming UP? (Florida Politics)
Thoughts on Todays America
Am I dumb or what??? Florida Recount
Where do we go from here?
The Next Election (Poltical, of course)
Farmers strike?
Day of civil disobedience
last political joke (promise)
state of the political mind
The Elections are Rigged and here's the proof!
Bronze Rat
Vote recount is smokescreen by media for their screwup
election results
Florida---election irregularities (political)
Hillary and Bill
What about this electoral college, anyway?
Can the rest of us average Americans...
Gore/Bush - A Proposed Solution
Florida count, the Consitution, and the Election
Wasted Monies
Beats all I'd ever seen
Voting irregularities at the Florida polls.......
Congratulations to the Bush Fans
Help! Talk me down off this ledge!
Last minute political ads are EVERYWHERE (political... kinda)
A last campaign day laugh before the vote (true and hilarious)
Voting? Interesting last minute info
Bill Clinton's Next Job
Cookies trace browsers, You knew that?
Underground Opinion Poll-Bush Wins!! (Political)
Bush and his DUI; Gore and the Clinton Administration
ATTENTION: Public Service Announcement
Some in Joe Leiberman's Home State - Question
Who gets your vote? (poll)
How do I vote?.....It's simple!
Global warming
Your honest reasons for voting the way you do?
Th\e Vote
What's going on in Texas?
Joel would you please try to e mail me?
Born Free
A spoof on the Presidential Debates...
If you're a Dubya fan, PLEASE DON'T OPEN THIS POST!
how do you stop them?
Gov. Bush Ignores Murderer's Confession, Innocents Remain in Jail
helicopters buzzing my house
do you fly the flag?
Gove'nor Bush and DUI Laws
Navy Destroyer.Terroist attacks.Oil Prices.My Boys.The World.Our World.
A Lifetime of Lies
Jury Duty & Voting
Gore, Bush and The Supreme Court
USA Today headline: "Israeli Military Poised for War"
Land rights?
What that third party vote does......
Tired of the Democrats and Republicans Dishonesty and Corruption?
Did the Cold War End Yesterday?
Welcome to Vietnam 2000 (political)
State of Democratic Party in Your State
Big Brother Bothering You ?
Long Term Planning...poli (part1)
More Lov from the Fed Gov for the Am. Indians
Heads Up (Hand)Gun Owners
Fuel price protests started
Single Access U.S. Government Web Site
Aryan Nations No Longers Exists
PEA (Pie Enforcement Agency): its for your own good
I know it's election time
Vote your heart and let the chips fall where they may (political and long)
The White Rose--for freedom lovers
Pledge for environmentalists
Is the World Better Off by Having the United Nations?
Blue Camoflauge- what are these?
More politics
Dems at it again
Secession Movements on the Move
Interesting comments on taxes(political
Virginia Vs. the A.C.L.U.
social comentary(political)
TV the electronic addition for the compost pile (political)
H.R. 4987 on controlling carnivore (political)
The Gray Matter !
And people thought Quayle wasn't bright...
For Democrats and other Socialists
The Gray Matter ?
Bush and Gore on taxes
Freedom Seekers! Let's Make our own country!
is bush stuck up or what? (political)
Tobacco control in schools
School question
Are you ready to register your Guns?
At Arms [Political] - Historical
Political Education site & Book
Another Web Political Quiz: Good One
A religious question continued ( religious thoughts)
If you want to stop the UN- please read this!
Someone Cared !
Fires Everywhere-What is THE cause (Political)
UN policies
political question
This is scary.[political]
Political Parties (Misc.
2nd Amendment Liberty Bells, Where are you?
Question about the economy
Tuff post too long-my answer to Colleen religio/politics{misc}
Income Tax Illegal!
Tenth Amendment Not Dead Yet (misc.)
Lets end the politics and get back to the land (misc.)
Are these stupid laws or do I just not get it? (misc.)
Political....beware of false quotes
While talking politics
Politic question that affexts homesteaders and everyone
Politics Again - Let's Try Something Different
Political awareness
Life is oh so interesting in the USA-political
Paying no taxes?
One last chance to change my mind--You the People !
An Example of a One-World Economy
Bill of rights- 2nd Amendment
Not Yours To Give
The National Anthem
National Emergency
4 July: 50 Million Round March
Bill of rights
50 Million Round March
OFF TOPIC---Feed your Gun Week!!
Census was here! And Gone!
Janet Reno
Census again
This is a Rant !
Constitution quiz
In the Case of Elian Gonzalas--Members of the jury--How Say You ?
The Founding Fathers ?
Should we start a new political party?
Moderation questions? read
the FAQ