2nd Amendment Liberty Bells, Where are you?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Eight California ladies who marched in 4th of July event as the bearers of arms for women. Does any one know if they have their web page online? Thanks, James
-- James (triquest@about.com), August 06, 2000
I'm not certain about your eight California ladies, but there is a national group that was created in response to the million mom march. Group is called Second Amendment Sisters. Forum over on BWH had a lot of info on it last month. Had some banner ads pointing folks to their group.
-- phil briggs (phillipbriggs@thenett.com), August 06, 2000.
Thanks you Phillip, For the response. The ladies in question took issue with the present administrations view of dis-arming USA citizens. To prove a point that most media opinions voiced were not of the majority, they designed a "Statue of Liberty," 7 or 8 feet high, placed a side arm on her and likewise armed themselves. Placing their "Lady of Liberty' in a wheechair for mobility, they then marched 8 miles in a 4th of July parade.I learn of this when I caught the tale end of some radio talk show. The spokes person had mention putting up a web page because of the high volume of interest which they had created.
Calling themselves the "2nd Amendment Liberty Bells" I assume this will be the Web name. Thanks again; James
-- James (triquest@about.com), August 11, 2000.