Show your gratitude (Valentines for Vets) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

It's about that time again. The annual Salute to Hospitalized Veterans, together with Ann Landers, is launching its Valentines for Vets campaign. The idea is to send vets in your local VA hospital Valentine's Day cards, visit them, take goodies, etc. You can "adopt" a ward or a hospital with a group, make cards, write letters to the editor, and so on.

Even if you don't agree with the opinions of our military and you loathe war, you surely must accept that these people have sacrificed almost everything for us and our freedom. Gratitude is due, even when one has not asked for the sacrifice. They did what they thought was neccessary, and never asked anything in return but a paycheck. Make sure they get more than that this Valentine's Day. And remember, no one loathes war more than one who has fought in it.

-- Soni (, January 14, 2001


Thanks for posting this. As a child I remember some of the D.V.s at Hines VA in Chicago that my father met during his phys. rehab coming with him to our house for furloughs. They were some of the nicest guys you could meet. Dad always felt bad that he had family and they didn't. My aunt and uncle still volunteer there as part of AmVets.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 14, 2001.

Soni, Great Idea! I can tell you it helps those guys when people visit.

Jay, I used to do Army reserve time at Hines VA. I am still in awe of the old building that ran along the west side of that place. I bet it was an easy 1/2 mile long. John

-- John in S. IN (, January 17, 2001.

I think it's a great idea. My whole fmily was Military. These people gave there all. They believed in God and Country. They deserve anything we can do for them. GOD BLESS THE USA.

-- PRISCILLA (, January 21, 2001.

As a Vet (with a very minor and easy to live with disability), I applaud your post. Some guys really paid a big price. Thanks, and GL!

-- Brad (, January 21, 2001.

Your are right on target. I am married to a disabled vet and he is a Missouri state V.F.W. Service files benefits claims for veterans. There are so many other organizations that could help these vets but they leave it up to the V.F.W., American Legion, AmVets. etc..mistakenly thinking that the Vets are being looked after.. these organizations do help tremendously but with the Government constantly knocking down their claims and health benefits it is always going to be an uphill fight..They only want what they were promised and entitled too for Gods sake. No wonder the Armed Forces are having a horrible time recruiting young people. Please remember the Veterans for they gave their ALL and more. Sorry I got to rambling but this is one hot topic for me and mine.

-- Lynn(MO) (, January 21, 2001.

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