The sacrifice of those who signed the Declaration of : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I know a lot of you don't particularly like el-Rushbo....but this is a coy of the speech given by his Father years ago, and it is heart wrenching. I watched The Patriot for the first time two weekends ago, and it still haunts me. I plan to print the speech out and pass it to my teacher at school, since we are at a unit in Social Studies about the founding of the United States. It'd be a good readd for homeschooling families to print and use when the time comes. We take soooo much for granted nowdays. Please read this.....
-- Leann Banta (, December 14, 2000
Which "Patriot" speach in particular?
-- William in Wi (, December 15, 2000.
The movie The Patriot. It came out on VCR at the local grocery store, and they were selling the extras, so I have my own personal copy.
-- Leann Banta (, December 15, 2000.