4 July: 50 Million Round Marchgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Joanie Fischer, 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com
Father's Day Event a Great Success
More Endorsements
Photo Gallery up and on-line
June 21, 2000 (Boise, Idaho) The "second installment" of the Fifty
Million Round March is scheduled to be held at public and
private gun ranges across America on July 4th. If the success of the first March, which took place on Father's Day, is any
indication, July 4th, 2000 should prove to be a lot noisier, and even more
fraught with significance, than it has been in the past.A little over one month after announcing intentions to hold several
annual events to energize gun owners across America to political
action in defense of their Second Amendment rights, the kick-off
Father's Day Fifty Million Round event was a great success.
At private and public gun ranges all over the nation, gun owners
safely and responsibly shot their weapons and then wrote letters
to their elected representatives insisting that those officials cease passing
legislation which infringes on the Second Amendment.As a result, excitement and testimonials have been pouring into the
Fifty Million Round March website [www.50mrmarch.com] in the form of
hundreds of e-mails attesting to the simple power and virtue of this
effort. A few comments from some of those e-mails are included here:"The 50 million round march was a huge success today at the Rockville
Fish and Game Club in Tolland." (CT)
"We had a great time, ... and added over 400 rounds to the cause. My
letters will be going out on Monday." (NY)
"All of the shooters we talked to were VERY enthusiastic, and were
glad of the chance to DO SOMETHING." (PA)
"My wife and I and my oldest daughter contributed about 250 rounds.
Our letters will go to Our representatives this week." (VA)
"Thanks to all who conceived of this, and put it together. It was a
great opportunity. " (MD)
"The brass is ankle deep in places down there on the end. I'm in
friggin heaven!" (AZ)
"Thanx, for a truly inspirational idea and the beginning of what is
sure to become a gun owners tradition." (IL)
"The 50 million round march here was a success ... those to the west,
that is blue smoke from the cannon that went off at 2 PM" (MI).
"We put 30,000 rounds down range. ... thanks SO much to the
organizers for getting this going. ... It needs to sweep the nation!" (MO)
"YES, it certainly did feel good. Thanks, for the great idea." (TX)
"My two sons, 11 & 7, fired 50 rounds of 9mm and 50 rounds of .22
cal. at targets downloaded from your web site. Great idea!!!" (OK)
"We did our part, here in NE Wyoming. There's gunsmoke in great clouds!" (WY)
"I estimate that we had shot about 1500 rounds for the day. Looking
forward to the fourth of July!" (MT)
"I enjoyed myself to the tune of 300 rounds at 300-450 yards at 8"
iron plates. Bang the gong, indeed." (ID)
"The rangemaster thought that it was such a good cause that he
couldn't take any money. I will mail out my letters this week." (CA)
"Great Idea, My wife, Kids and I sent 400 rounds down range. HooRahh" (OR)
"We sent 500 rounds downrange today in honor of this occasion. Happy
Father's Day to all fathers and their children." (SC)
"Met Shadow Demon, who was wise enough to bring several 50 MRM
targets. They went like hotcakes" (KY)
"Not a bad way to spend a morning and ... make two new friends. They
thought the 50 Million round idea was a great one." (TN)For a more complete list, visit the Fifty Million Round March web
site [www.50mrmarch.com] and click on the "Testimonials" option.As the effort has proven successful, more endorsements continue to
come in. More than 125 web sites, business and organizations have now
endorsed the Fifty Million Round March, and that number is growing daily.Recently, Don Bell, candidate for Congress in Kentucky
[www.bellforcongress.com] endorsed the event. Don, who attended one
of the events on Father's Day, had this to say with respect to the
Fifty Million Round March,"My son, Brian and I celebrated Father's Day by participating in the
Fifty Million Round shoot on June 18, at the Knob Creek Range at West
Point, KY. We wanted to show our support for the Second Amendment and Bill of Rights. We, as freedom loving citizens, must do more to stop
our constitution rights from continuing to be taken away from us. I
am a firm believer in preserving our Bill of Rights."The Citizen's of America [www.citizensofamerica.org], a no compromise
Second Amendment organization which is placing radio, newspaper and
television ads in media outlets around the nation in support of the
Second Amendment, has also endorsed the Fifty Million Round March.
Brian Puckett, president of COA, in endorsing the effort indicated,"The Second Amendment recognizes our fundamental right of self-
defense, and our fundamental political right to resist a tyrannical
government. The Fifty Million Round March is a step in the right direction
, a reminder that we will stand up like free men and reassert our rights
with direct action ..."Tom Farrenkopf, President of OughtSix Wear, who is providing T-Shirts
for the various Fifty Million Round March events, in endorsing the
effort said this:"A patriotic resolve draws me to support the Fifty Million Round
March. Can one consider it a sacred duty? History has proven less
significant events to have been. The Fifty Million Round March
provides fathers the opportunity to place before his children's
hearts and minds the long train of patriots starting with our
founding fathers, that continues unbroken to this very day with men
the likes of Michael New. Participating in these events will provide our representatives with
this appropriate message: that we are no strangers to the meaning of
our founders concerning the limits placed on our elected public
servants, and, that responsible firearm owners belong to the loyal
band of our country's true defenders."T-shirts for the Independence Day event are now available at the
Fifty Million Round March website.Finally, J.J. Johnson's Sierra Times [www.sierratimes.com], a major
endorser of the Fifty Million Round March effort, has created
the "Fifty Million Round March Photo Gallery" and placed it on-line.
Any participant can either mail, e-mail, or electronically upload
their photographs of the event to this Gallery by either clicking
on the "Upload Photo" option at the Fifty Million Round March website
[www.50mrmarch.com], or by going directly to Sierra Time's upload page
[http://www.sierratimes.com/gallery.htm]. To view the pictures, either click on the option to
"View Photos" at the Fifty Million Round March website, or go directly
to the gallery at Sierra Times
[http://www.sierratimes.com/50mrphotos.htm].Please note: Organizers of the Fifty Million Round March event are
scheduling talk radio interviews for the rest of June and July. Any
interested parties are requested to direct inquiries to Joanie Fischer [50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com]Joanie Fischer
Media Liaison
Fifty Million Round March
-- William in WI (thetoebes@webtv.net), June 22, 2000
William, I was just a little upset by the 50 million round march. I showed up at the rifle range in our local national forest with plans to do a little shooting with my new .50bmg rifle and our two new .45 Rugers and found that the shooters and thier families were 5 deep at the firig line. I didn't want to wait around in 95 degree heat with more arriving every minute so I left. I didn't find out why so many shooters were there until the next day. I grinned all day long.
-- John and Pat James (jjames@n-jcenter.com), June 23, 2000.
EXCUSE ME--COUNTRYSIDE SUBSCRIBERS--Forgive ME --THIS Post is directed at JJames-aka-the government--LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE ! --If you want me than get a warrant and come on in ! What are you scared of ? A Minute Gun ? I think if you try to "take out another american family" than you just might find one.
-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), June 23, 2000.
Joel, If you think that I am some kind of government plant, you couldn't be further from the truth. From your postings, I gather that you are in mortal fear of your government. In that case, my friend, you have already lost the battle. John and Pat
-- John and Pat James (jjames@n-jcenter.com), June 26, 2000.
What's a "minute gun"???
-- Brad (Rodent@worldpath.net), June 29, 2000.