Air Force News Article on Voting Online by : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Ran across following web site showing a military news article (dated back in 1999) about a pilot program (no pun intended) to allow AirForce servicemen to vote online. I wondered if any of you folk heard of this or if this program was cancelled. Was suppose to have happened in this past November election. The site is:
-- Hermit John (, December 14, 2000
Since apparently a large percentage of military personnel lean towards the Republican Party, I would expect to see a push by the Bush administration for on-base direct voting. Those at remote locations are normally assigned to a base for administrative purposes and could get an absentee ballot from there. Some problems would be how to also keep them from requesting an absentee ballot from their state of record, who certifies the results (in the same manner as a state) and one would expect the Democratic Party to oppose it.If nothing else, I would expect a push to get military personnel to request absentee ballots, instructions on how to properly fill them out and for them not to be required to be postmarked if received within a certain number of days after the general election.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, December 15, 2000.
You might be interested to know that today (12/19/00) the democRATS, led by Daschle, DEFEATED a bill to allow voting on US Military Bases! They also didn't want Military votes to count in Florida, but worshiped votes, whether hanging, pregnant or dimpled, that might have given the vote to the right-hand henchman of Despicable Bill!!! Why do they want to put our Military men and women in harm's way, yet deprive them of the ability to vote!? Can you say Socialism? Can you say Communist? Can you say Coward? Can you say Scumbag? GL! But be realistic! The Enemy is within!
-- Brad (, December 19, 2000.