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in the
Countryside question and answer forum
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hand pump leathers
How long do i have to keep a rooster with a hen for the eggs to be furtile
Feels like HOME!
anything happening here?
Help me the ants are driving us nuts
I can't do it! They worked so hard!
Public school attendance problem...need input
new countrysider with a few ?'s
fly sheets for horses
alternative algea-side
Fun Things to do/see...
We have Bat Guano !!
Thank you for help with sick goat 5-3-02
harvested my first pickings out of the garden...
What can/should I do with this farm?
N. AL Veterinary supplies needed
Small backhoe on lawn mower
What's your favorite pets name. Mine is.....
Sometimes you just have to wonder ??
Excellent Money Making Idea!
Help us name our farm!
"A Good Egg" - Thumbs up for farm fresh eggs!
Waterloo, NY Show
An Interesting Website To Inspire Homesteaders
Owl's raiding backyard fish pond
I need help on replacing an old tie wall with new ties.
Another elderberry question
planting kamut and spelt grains
How to can, freeze, smoke & cure, ferment, pickle, dry, etc...
I hate to do it....trapping stray cats, need some advise
Pregnant turtles
Eat wild web site
Question about sending a letter to local landowners
What do I use to stretch the leather on my Nike shoes
Users of Sygate (firewall) & Webwasher & Other
What is a afir price to pay for custom haying work?
CountryHomestead webboard is now online and ready for YOU:)
Does anyone know where to buy Ivory Shampoo or Conditioner, need for allergies
Why won't my cheese melt?
Guns, Women, Running your own cleaning business....
Amish newpaper available?
Randy's raspberries... still wanna trade?
FOR WOMEN ONLY! Anyone using a "Keeper"?
Quilt block swap group
all you wanted to know about peaches
A/C question...why is it blowing hot air?
What do you know about a 1894 Marlin Arms Catalog
horse manure (not aged) buried as compost?
Thanks from forum junky!
Federal Zoning Laws
Puppy mill or K-9 Ranch?
get a life!!!!
Anyone watch the PBS Special about Homesteaders?
great chicken tractor prospect if you have $120
farm in Tennessee for sale
what happened ! I'm a junky! they can't do this to me!
50th anniversary
Tonight on PBS "Frontier House"
solar fencing??
Hey Chuck....you o.k.?? (tornadoes)
Cat sprayed inside my car; How do I remove the stench???
Do you have an used copy of Square Foot Gardening?
Homesteaders and Relocating.................
Pump Losing Prime
What do i do with these eggs?
Choosing a rug
how much?
Has anyone designed/made their own labels for jars?
Still got a slight computer color problem
new baby basset hound
sweet potato slips
What are worm beds?
Can a Chicken tell time???
Natural preventatives for wood ticks
Help needed for sick goat!
Has anyone made dog food out of an aged ewe...please read
Electric start lawn mowers
Looking for a pattern for a turkey/duck diaper!
A midge??
Old Countryside/Harrowsmith magazines
Do any of you have to haul water all the time?
Medical privacy?
What is only eating the heads off of the trout????
How do I let out my hens to free range for the first time?
at what age should we clip chicks wings?
riding lawnmower recommendations?
strawberry cobbler
Baby goats and kittens ???
Home for sale in Ontario Canada W/5 acres
Carla Kennedy was the frist on the root cellar book.
Sexing Quail
I have this book it tell all about building root cellers and gardener put things up to keep.
Need your best cough remedies & stop-smoking tips
black ram + silver ewe = white lamb?
Soap making problem...
wilted wild cherry tree leaves--poisonous?
can I feed
Mom doesn't want me to move to SD to Homestead.
my apologie
Does pasteurization change milk chemically?
flotation for a pond dock
Harvesting worms
removing chicken spurs
Turkey Question?
Bottles for mole repellant... continued
Free Roosters
Bill of Animal Rights? Here ya go.
Looking for 2 or 3 ducklings In IL
Thanks for everything, Billy.
Magic words?
can tulips be moved anytime?
Refinishing an oak table.
How do I improve strip mined land?
Visiting the South East and want to see "real" places and people
cow for sale
What kind of pine trees?
to paint or not to paint (tree bark)???
Sexing Chickens
Looking for plans to make wooden goat/sheep chute
Hens wings need clipping?
knife sharpening - what's best?
butter - what am I doing wrong?
Husbands and other foreign bodies
Does anyone eat or drink aloe vera? Details please.
Red Ants
Nubian doe& Fainting doe
Got computer in "safe mode" How---and how to get out???? Help!
Will adopt exotic or farm animals in Midwest.
Little buck born, after 3 days look like a goither under his neck
Advice from uncle jess on the simple life
What other kind of snacks to give baby ducks
Did you feel the earthquake?????
lamp oil substitutes
What is the size of a squar acre. How may feet wide by how many feet long
Hand cranked Juicer?
Dog barking at 4:00 A.M. Need good advice.
Tennessee farm
News on the Preparedness Fair in Mesquite
Need help/info - emerg.calf delivery
A moth that is big
I need a change! LOCATION & Lifestyle Can You Help?
Single Homeschool Homesteader Mom w/Kids Needs Homestead!
help!! goat has inury on hoof
solar water pump
Germinating Redbud Seeds
free pump and tank
Preparedness Fair in Mesquite, TX
Solar power
Alfalfa pasture
Horses chance of survival in Central WI w/o stable
Help me!! Black meat chicken on a B.A.R.F. diet has a dirty bottom after being poisoned by Basic H!
Lambs and Rams
Sale in Freeport
GIANT doggy crate in Atlanta still available!
Is my hen being exiled?
help! i don't know what my chicken is!!
exotic bird and animal sale
Relocating Waco, TX this June
Teaching calf to eat feed
what causes bloat in legumes? What makes non bloating legumes non-bloating?
Case tractor
Frugal Tip of the Day
your name is used on each of these posts and answers
Attention Inland Northwesters!
Noisey Nubian update. LOL!
Stacye(KY) and Debe(LA) I got your letters
change 6 volt to12 volt on 47 case with Magneto
Still Looking For Articles - have you written any?
Wanted Go Kart Plans and/or a Go kart broken or O.K.
Water softner
fire ants
Looking for Sotz Barrel Stove or Kit
Naturopathic Animal Care
bloody egg
forensics ?
You are right about school boards
Public School bashing
Selling farm raised meat - State Laws
I have a Wild Baby Bunny But He Eats on His Own So am I Okay to Release Him?
Control the man, control the food.
How to build a driveway drag!
would anybody like a farm in Tennessee?
I'm New Here
countryside get together
Update Basic H poisoning
HELP! Baby turkey polts are dying. What am I doing wrong?
Countryside Gathering in Indiana, Been There?
clopyralid and picloram - the finer details
Shaklee Basic H poisoning HELP!!!!
Great way to find books
Need Raw Goat's Milk - Houston, TX.
Working at home with computer?
New Goats have big problems. Poor Things! need help.
wood stove question
Where is a good place to stay in MARYLAND FOR VACATION
"What if" questions about down the road homesteading
eBay - toolsunlimited
what is Malagar Spinach
favorite homesteading/gardening books
land in mn
June Bugs kites...
Cutting Tires for feeders/etc.
Working Mom....(original poem)
'Goat Tractor'
Dave Belinger, Question about the new Dairy Goat Journal?
can i give wormer to a pregnat doe?
Got the New Countryside Today, that was fast!
Raising a Pig for butcher
new issue
How does the homesteader measure success?
Dundee Mich. area gun dealers?
Flu, now & then
castrating beef calf
unknow type of tree
Does Anyone sell eggs?
How to hatch eggs my self! ( mother of the eggs were stolen)
My opinion of why some companies are failing
Heads Up if you have a tripod website, going to pay for after 20k's
Can you trim pear trees?
Need tortilla recipes!
carbide lantern & carbide
information on White's Wood buning stoves
Is there going to be an April/May 2002 issue?
Baby kids skin is coming off on underneth side
Can pigs eat ANYTHING?
When to pick Asparagus
How does one lobby state government?
Among The Tallest Trees.....Original Poem
Tennessee farm for sale
Bemoaning and P.O.'d, hating my school district
Forum related-re categories
steady egg laying??
Taken things for granted (Forum related)
Tell me about the mountains of Sandpoint, ID.
How to search for a specific topic on the forum.
Do We Appreciate Each Other ??!!
Can a family of 5 REALLY live in 754 sq. ft. ??
Another Yahoo surprise, tracking surging, can opt out, heres how
An Awesome website
Update...Zero Tolerance
Small Towns and Country Folks. Aren't they great!!
Flowerbeds..not kittyboxes...
Cowboy Boots
any one have Pomeranians?
Making a living homesteading - Good/Bad Idea
We want an RV!
Discovery Travel is looking for Survivalist For a 2 hour special
Satellite Radio
The Universe
looking for a small trained milk cow & a spinning wheel for a friend
Any ideas on a cheap temp. barn?
Alfalfa Hay
Tennessee Farm for sale
help with sick chooks please
heartworming shih tzu cattle/swine ivomec
Yahoo Has Changed Your Preferences
Looking for a puppy.....
HELP! We need to find a realestate attorney in Coalmont Tennessee!
Grand Haven, Michigan
OMG! I think we might take "the plunge"!
Grapes and vineyards
grapes and vineyards
Has Anyone Sold Their Own Homestead Without An Agent ??
Where is the cost of living the least?
Anyone want to have a potluck?
Firestarting: Cotton Balls and Vaseline?
How Many of You Have Lived in the same Town Forever ???
What is the best and least chemical solution to use on windows?
Need help with egg project...
brown easter eggs?
Thank You all for locations
future home
How soon do you rebreed a female pigmy who lost her kid at birth?
Location of writer
Chicken leg
Preparing or disenfecting a chicken coop.
My Donkey mare is not being a lady right now.Help!
Chicken has broken leg
How do you follow cows with chickens in rotational grazing?
A couple of Poultry Questions (or is this local lore)
To this forum -- THANK YOU!
RFD TV - on satellite
State Quarters
How does a cow act when she is having a miscarriage
Braiding a tail... me again!!! :)
Where can I find a legal Scale for measuring ounces?
Mini-Rex Rabbits in NePa - Ready To Go
How do you dye eggs, like with onion skins, but red?
Garage into Greenhouse
NOVINA & NAN HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bass boat floor replacement
How much freezer space for 90-100 cornish x chickens?
Race fans
Monarch wood cook stove
how to prune apple trees
What is the best offline browser.?
Tell me everything I need to know B-4 buying a log splitter
Dehydrated Foods, yourpantry.com - good place
hog feeders
R.E. in Tennessee
Need ideas of what to do with farrowing house
Putting sides on PickUp to haul small livestock - How??
ever have your oscillating sprikler get stuck...grrr!
free chicken feed-and the winner is!?
new toy
Looking for hydroponics info
Free bag of purina chicken feed-who wants it?
ASAP, whoever is moderator of dairygoats better get there ASAP to check out the forum.
Guardian dogs and cattle
vernal equinox egg balancing question
Meat Goats?
Breed of Chicken---"Millie Fleur"
Do you know if R.H. Shumway (seed company) is out of business?
Best Alternative Toilet System
on-line shopping
Inbreeding goats
Anyone raising pigeons?
need comparison of milk animals
Spagetti Squash
Mildew on Cabin Siding
Sprouted sweet potato
Hedge row
Need help w/disintegrating concrete bird bath
Need Economical Fencing Ideas
How To Jack Up a Shed
Defense against Bears/Poachers/Theives
How do you sex day old chick's?
When a Pet dies......
Goat Feeding
Anyone Know About Travel with Amtrack ???
Breeding a goat after she has her babies
idea's / uses for old cast iron hot water radiators.
Need name of company selling avariums (good for homeschoolers to read )
Homemade deoderant
help diapering large wiggly boy with learning disablity
Does anyone have or played Sim Farm for mac?
Anyone from Theodosia, MO. ?
How would your life change?
Photo ID
New Dome Home, Looking for a windmill
How to build a pump to aireate a large dug pond
Organic Sugar
Eastern Washington land for sale
East Tennessee farm for sale
Chick Delivery Dates
Affluenza/Keeping Up With The Joneses PBS Show
Home Health Brand Pasteurizer Instructions
MUD - live with it, or?
Woodworking project
I got my QUILT Sqr's back today!!!
sugar-pack for deep, infected wounds?
baby goats
Yahoo Will Be Down
Need help with research for book
Looking for Pygmy goats in Wichita Ks
freezer for a cold frame ??
freezer for a cold frame ??
Question about my dairy goat....
How to get out of a mortgage
Looking to Rent/Buy/Caretake in SE New Hamp. or SE Maine
Frozen Store bought milk
Opinions on laminated flooring
Can a chicken tractor be made from stock racks?
What is rfdtv?
rfdtv on direct tv?
How long to brood chicks?
Is RFDTV available on Direct TV???
Info on CD of archives
Rural NYS Homestead For Sale
Living in a Dome
Pregnant Goat
Medical Facts
Turtles/baby ducks
Vicky! Where are you?
Goat Feeding
Looking for a place to Caretake, Rent or Buy: SE New Hamp./SE Maine
Moveable Pen For Fowl
Found a bat in the basement-still alive!
LaMancha doe for sale
rusting waterer
cat with sudden eye problem..need help
Name suggestions for new Blue Heeler puppy?
Looking for links on DIY Earthen Pond/Dam design and construction
feeding goats
How Do I Clean a Wood Floor?
We have lots of babies.... (goats and chicks)
Anyone from Wa State?I'm from Longview...
Finding lost country friends
Searching the Archives re: previous threads
Need help with ideas
Hey, Kristean
Someone's been digging in the Archives again
Whats your opinion on raising show pigs on concrete flooring
seeking info on mud-fever, scratches (horses)
foundation HELP!!!
Looking for the name of a book
How do I sell antique furniture?
anyone selling cream seperator CHEAP
Country Singletree? Where is it?
Finally got cheap health insurance
New group for Texas homsteaders
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo
Quick meal cook stove warming oven
ISO Single Homestead minded female for correspondence
My Thanks for your kind and encouraging words...
Looking for fixerupper in Northern NY PLEASE HELP!!
Hansons bush cherries
Birds messing the garage
Fizzy Fruit?
Yahoogroups down as is bravenet, weird
Why black rabbits from two Californians?
Paint and varnish removal. Oy vey!
Elec. Water Heater info needed
Can she do it?
Our Schools, bulldoze the Gyms! etc.
Farm Dogs--Herding dogs questions
Most Patient Spouse????????
need creative idea for cheap flooring
Quilt Sq Swap
making butter
Monolithic Dome Homes
How to potty train your chickens? (keep 'em from crappin' on the prorch)
homesteading show
what harm dripping water on well pump? 2degrees out
cows for sale
Need plans/diagrams for wooden buckets/butter churns.
Great B-day Present.......
peacock nesting box - how big?
Your best ideas for building with salvaged pallets?
How Do You Sell A Homestead?
Building a Gut Bucket... where do I start?
Apology from Gloria
Website for making youre own chicken feed.
Vertical or horizontal bread machines
creative websites for farm
farm websites
more shallot questions
my duck is still broody, what next
Where is a Chick Source in So. Indiana (just north of Louisville)
Need Advice from Newspaper People
TruthCafe- beware
starved colt update
Thoughts on Homesteaders Sticking Together
Not really a question but needed to share........
Forum name change?
Pecan Shells
EWG Farm Payments Listings , Totally Correct?
Quote of the day (for thinking & reflecting upon)
You Think Guineas Are Loud?
Moderation questions? read
the FAQ