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Social Issues Threads
in the
Countryside question and answer forum
Does everybody work for the government yet?
Underwear Check
A comment or two - then I'm finished
I need your opinions....school abuse situation
Alternative School for problem student...Update zero tolerance
Inmate Farm
What Is The Matter With People ??!!!
Update..Zero Tolerance..
Thanks Everyone For the Great Advice!
Update...Zero Tolerance
Donations for teachers showers
Zero Tolerance for Self Defense in Virginia Public school.
What is TB2K?
Children of Tomorrow
Factory Farming Protest in New Jersey
As the world turns....interesting stats
sign of the times
Is Society Degenerating?
What can I say to my gun phobic parents re: having guns in our home?!!
Who are heroes? (Social Issues)
A Bizarre Morning! (or Fun & Games at the USPS)
Angry, Heck Yes (Why teach work values in today's society?)
how do you treat those who wait on you in stores if...
What is wrong with people?
customer treatment
Southern speak transulations book needed
Reguarding the "NIX check" (gun)
With the world situation How do you protect yourself (gun related)
The Red Cross, crusaders or crooks? (Social Issues)
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax (Social Issues)
Greetings from Oxford, CT (Anthrax Related)
What a Strange World We Live In!
WAR Thoughts from my cynical Granny
Food Stamps (Social Issues)
Are the rich all that great?
What do you really LIKE about people?
What do you dislike about dealing with other people?
Did Anyone Else Refuse to Answer the Questions on the Census Form other than Number of People in the House?
Only 1 pair a year, what kind of shoes would you buy?
What is the prevailing attitude about GUNS where you live?
Guns on the Homestead
GOV. Control/Schools
What have we done to ourselves? (social issues)
Do/Don't belong to N.R.A.
40 reasons to support gun control
Social issues (Follow-up to Guns as Homestead Protection Thread)
Guns as homestead protection?
Where are they going to go? (Massive company lay-offs)
Independence Day
Death of an Old Friend (Social Issues)
Big brother is watching and so if your bank. As per ABC Network news
Bait wasten'- Whatta' mean theres no fishing catagory?
Ecomomy, can it really get better?
www.thehungersite.com - help hungry people for free
Big Brother is Watching
The other side of the million mom march (update) (Social Issues)
My county is going to Hell in a hand bag (social issues)
New Support for Stay-at-Home Moms (or Dads) (Social Issues)
Are there any singles boards for homesteaders?
When did the DMV get the right to go armed?
What is Prosperity?
Drunks at parties, etc. What would you do? (MISC
Experts "teach" gov't school children "How to Play"-Article.
The Dying Earth - Permaculture (Social Issues)
More on Gov't Schools and the NEA (Social Issues)
something to think about-------- long
Yet another school shooting....in California
Curious...popularity...high school(social issues)
Interesting editorial about Farming on NPR today (social issues?)
Are these crazy laws or what (social issues)
Comment/Opinion article on "High Schools" - - (Social Issues)
Let's pretend, please voice opinions. Social Issue
Even President Nixon saw the problem of overpopulation!
Morons with Guns, or Anybody Else Want to Bring Back Public Hanging?
A thought for today
Why do poor people have to support gov't released red wolves
How many here are military or ex-military
It ain't always kids that go bad.
response to Here we go again, can't find the thread
One of our new Country neighbors trys to break in the house!
alternatives to growth--the cost of growth to YOU
No, I don't want to kill kids; wake up and smell the environment!
Don't read this if you believe god will take care of all our problems. Please don't lay a bunch of dogma on whoever is interested in discussing a serious issue. Thanks.
A matter of Perspective
I Don't Need Help Protecting Myself
Congress got a real shock (about Darrell Scott) (High school shootings)
Why are we giving our freedom away?
Move the Earth? (Playing God)
Neighbor stealing firewood
Thought Crimes (Reposted Thread) (Social Issues)
Call for used tents in India
Taxes are voluntary
Gun Refresher Course A-Z (Social Issues)
Convoy worth the time? (Senseless Horse Killing)
Income taxes illegal?
suppressed technologies
I.Q. Tests
Meyers-Briggs and other personality tests
Do we homestead because we're shy?
Local radio contest-win breast inplants (R rated)
Is there some hotline for hiring someone to knocked off your spouse?
Here We Go Again! (Another Person Went Postal)
Doesn't Nebraska Put People in Prison?
third world countries and immigrating
A way we can help when the recession strikes (Misc. charitable)
wow !!! really bad day for 37,000 people
Youth Gang Vandalism
More on population - Not a problem
More on population - China
Did I use cocaine when I was pregnant? and other DUMB questions...
Overpopulation addendum
Serious Question About Continued Trade with China
Can any of those in denial of population issues tell me something?
Texas sound off/uncategorized
Men Peeing Standing UP
A sad thing(social commentary)
materialism vs capitalism
Pet Peeves(misc.
NRA Questions
What about an email about confiscation of guns?
i'll have to ask my husband?
Old Days (Why Can't People Get Along?)
Why do men belch in public?
The great countryside no shopping week
Disturbing news report
Gun Laws
Value of Military Service
Questions about college: Important or not?
America The Beautiful?
Overwhelmed by consumerism!
Pro-life ? Not Religious or political
What is the purpose of schooling?
China Agriculture
More Gun Restrictions!
Serious Questions for Conceal & Carry States
politically correct whimps??
New Civil War?-long
schools in this country
Have More/ Want More
Homesteading families
Are You Being Served ?
Homesteading philosophy to help the poor
Census? (Privacy Issue)
Is it just me? (Frivolous Foods)
Isn't a mortgage, a debt?
Interstate Shipment of Firearms
Moderation questions? read
the FAQ