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TitanicShack question and answer forum
I want to see Titanic
Nude Picture {who drew it?}
is the romantic story around the heart of the ocean diamond true
Does Anyone Else Notice This Mistake?
What do all the number 5's mean?
a minor glitch
What was Rose thinking? {when she saw tHotO}
Kate and Santa Monica Pier
Did Old Rose die at the end? (the authoritative answers)
Was the Heart of the Ocean worn by Louis the XVI?
Rose, Cal, and Ruth WERE supposed to be Aristocrats
check you movie listings!
Did you know this?? {Roses' eye colour}
When Lowe Yells, "COME ABOUT!!!"
Cal-Murdoch symmetry?
Why part {of the movie} would you like to have been left in?
Is it Real(Heart of the ocean)?
The Heart of the Ocean {Why throw it back?}
anything that get on your nerves
Am I the only one {who felt sorry for Cal?}
Any funny happenings? {bloopers}
mystery women
Is "Titanic" the benchmark for your movies now?
How did Rose remain incognito as an actress???
too much {of Jack saying Rose?}
Photos at end of film
Do you hate Titanic?
What are your 8 favorite parts of the movie? {-e-}
What is your least favorite part?
What does Kate write to Cal? {scene 127 -e-}
strings quartet {Recommendations for 'music heard on the voyage'?}
cal and his boat {collapsible A}
Would Jack have lived? {What if...?}
At what point did Rose fall in love with Jack?
Was Rose a virgin?
Inaccuracy of Lake Wissota reference {-e-}
what did old rose really want?
Theoretical "What If's"
Rose's dress in final scene {scene 310}
Sequence of Events {Is this list correct?}
Characters as symbols of larger elements.
Beatrice Wood Dead {basis for Old Rose}
shouldn't Cal have gone to jail|?
Heart in Rose's palm print on foggy car window. {Anyone notice?}
Woman at the top of the ship
Did Rose die at the end?
England {What were the rich main characters doing there?}
cheesy dialogue??
Why was the builder of the ship playing with the clock?
Ruth never finds out her daughter is still alive?
Jack pulling Rose back over (more symbolism???)
scripted scenes that weren't in the final movie
The Heart Of The Ocean in the stars
Indoor Girl {why is the line humourous?}
Frozen body {seen twice?}
Never let go {thematic message?}
Captain Smith's Lemon Tea
roses pictures at the end {scene 309 - INT. Rose's cabin / Keldsyh}
Old Rose telling the truth? {-e-}
The Card Game {Why don't we see the cards? scene 36 -e-}
where is...? {the Heart of the Ocean prop?}
Cora and 'best girl' {and her doll -e-}
Rose's butterfly comb
Is Rose dead at the end? {scene 309 -e-}
who was with molly and countess? {scene 74 -e-}
Kid Cal got on boat with? {scene 244}
What were Rose's plans?
Characters question {putting names to faces}
Jack's Reaction {scene 129 -e-}
More symbolism
meanings {what part of the movie meant the most to *you*?}
Why did Rose throw the diamond into the sea?
dinner scene question {scene 82}
What did old Rose tell Brock et al about diamond whereabouts?
Love story characters: Fact or fiction?
'not the better half.' {Anyone find this line odd?}
Do you think Jack & Rose would have lived 'happilly ever after'?
Heart of the Ocean {Why did Rose throw it away?}
Jack and the lifevest
Cal and Rose's relationship
Does Cal have any compassion?
Broken Rose and Blossoming Rose
Cal v. Rose = Ship v. Water
Is it the romance or the Titanic's history that 'made' the movie?
What happenned to Lovejoy? {scene 272}
Why didn't Ruth want to go back? {scene 286 -e-}
Any significance to matches that Jack throws?
Meaning of Rose's Note to Cal
Best Lines
Both of them could have lived
Strange bit of dialogue... {scene 293}
Cal Loved Rose?
Hands as a symbol
Who's Hand is it?
Best Scene?
how many "themes/motifs" were planned?
Rose's Mom
Rose's Husband
Rose, as a symbol
Wait ... ?
Wait ? {Was this word overused in the film?}
Quiz on final scene
Where did Rose live during her life?
A few themes/motifs i noticed in titanic..
I Love You ! {Does Jack every say this?}
Help! ! Does Rose die?
Jack could have lived
What happened to Jack's buddy? {Fabrizio}
I have three question on the movie
Overall Effect
Was the romance between Rose and Jack a true story?
Best line {What is your favorite?}
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