Kate and Santa Monica Piergreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I was just curious to this: When at the end of the movie, an old black an white picture shows Kate ( Rose ) on a horse, and in the background was the Santa Monica Pier. Does anyone know if this picture was digitally shot in a studio to show the pier behind Kate, or did they travel there to be truly authentic and snap a pic? Thanks! :-)
-- Kelly (kelly_rose1@hotmail.com), March 08, 1999
My guesse is that is really a true photgraph. Since Titanic was actually filmed in Mexico, it is not that far from Santa Monica. James Cameron also paid ver carefull attention to detail in the movie Titanic. On the other hand, if they can make a 800 foot ship appear to really sink in the movie, I guesse it would be mere child's play to make one simple photo......who knows? If somebody knows for sure please e-mail too! Thanks all and have a great day!
-- Josh (josh1@ntcnet.com), March 09, 1999.
More than likely the photo was a composite, generated on a computer. BTW, that was another historical error, since the roller coaster on the Santa Monica pier wasnt' built until several years after the Titanic sank.Regards,
-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), March 15, 1999.
Kip:I did a web search, and found a history of coasters of the Santa Monica pier. It's within the realm of historical possibility that one could have ridden a rollercoaster there well before 1912.
Interestingly enough, the greatest enemy of traditional wood coasters seems to have been fire, just as the biggest enemy of ocean liners is fire.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicshack@yahoo.com), March 16, 1999.
Tom:I got that off the Titanic blooper list from the Internet Movie Database. However, that list has several bloopers of its own, so I should have checked a little more closely.
-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), March 19, 1999.
Hello,I also read that you could ride a rollarcoaster beafor 1912,but it could be very quickly mistaken for a blooper seeing is how there were so many.Such as the sceen in wich Jack mentions a lake Wissota.And that perticullar lake wasnt a lake untill 5 years after Titanic.So its very possible to not of taken anything they said as the 'truth'.But who knows?
heather salazar middletown PA....
-- Heather Salazar (heathersalazar@hotmail.com), March 21, 1999.