cal and his boat {collapsible A} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

well did anybody else notice cal's life boat if you really watch and follow the boat it doesn't even make it to the water so how does he live?

-- Bergandy Young (, April 13, 1998


Response to cal and his boat

The last boat to leave the Titanic upright floated off as the bow went under. Once the ropes were cut, water had to be bailed out of the boat but it did stay afloat.

-- Cindy (, April 13, 1998.

Response to cal and his boat

This boat was collapsible A. The **real** collapsible A did indeed float off the boat deck. The iron supports used to raise the canvas sides broke, and the canvas itself was torn, so the boat was partially swamped.

In short, the depiction in the film matches the historical account (once again).


-- Kip Henry (, April 13, 1998.

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