Cal-Murdoch symmetry? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I was just thinking these days of another symmetry in the movie. After Cal tries to bribe Mr. Murdoch with his "business proposition," Murdoch throws Cal's money back to him launching a prophetic sentence: "Your money cannot save you more than they can save me." After he mistakenly shots Tommy Ryan he shoots himself. In 1929, Murdoch's prophecy seems fulfilled, as old Rose later comments: "but the 1929 crash hit his interest hard ... and he put a pistol in his mouth, or so I heard..." So Murdoch was right... Cameron was quite a symmetry freak in this movie, whether he realizes it or not.
-- Dan Draghici (, November 14, 1998
Your right...never came to mind though. Interesting thought.Laura
{activated link; added line break after Laura's name}
-- Laura (, November 16, 1998.