Kid Cal got on boat with? {scene 244} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

What happened to the little girl that Cal got on the lifeboat because of? You know-"I'm all she has in the world."

-- Elizbeth Hinds (, February 13, 1998


Response to Kid Cal got on boat with?

He did the most inhuman thing. He put her back into the ship.

-- Rose (, February 13, 1998.

Response to Kid Cal got on boat with?

I don't remember seeing that. The script merely says that Cal sat next to the child, having completely forgotten about her.


-- Kip Henry (, February 13, 1998.

Response to Kid Cal got on boat with?

Cal hands the girl to a woman next to him, picks up an oar and promptly beats the next person trying to get onboard the boat. Though not as bad as putting the girl back on the ship (which didn't happen), it is close. Cal still sucks.

-- Dave Phillips (, February 14, 1998.

You can see the little girl again when it shows the part after old Rose says "The seven hundred people on the boats had nothing to do but wait. Wait to live. Wait to die. Wait for an absolution that would never come." Then it cuts to several clips of people in the lifeboats. One shows Cal accepting a drink of liquor (or something) from someone and you can see the little girl to the right of him sitting on the lap of some lady.

-- Jennifer (, March 19, 1998.

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