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Alternative Energy Threads
in the
Countryside question and answer forum
question about using methane
Wood stove pipe
plans for building windmills
Schematics for GT 225-10KWH wind generator
Group Makes Cheap Plastic Solar Energy Cells
Solar-powered lighting. Brand recommendations?
Sawdust into "firewood" logs
Petromax Lanterns - Half off
Saf-Gard Pasteurizer Manufacturer
Baking with a wood-burning cookstove -- problem
Geothermal Heat Pumps
Converting fireplace with/to wood stove?
What is setting our smoke detector off?
Anyone burn used cooking oil?
Solar water heater from Refer. Coils
Is there such a thing as a battery powered answering machine?
Info on Sun Frost Refrigerators (Alternate Energy)
Steam Generator
Fuel Cell
"stone shed"
Diesel Fuel for Lamp Oil
Meat Keeping Ideas and Suggestions Please
Solar Electricity for Dummies
box fan experiment (Alternate Energy)
West Virginia University converts chicken manure to diesel!
Clarification on wind energy question
Looking for plans to build inexpensive wind mill
Anyone using wind for power generation?
Compost pile water heater
How do you get electricity from a spring?
cheap lights without the toxicity of fluorescent
Plans for solar hot water collectors
soap powered car
Bio Diesel application in England
Interesting site on solar energy (Alternative Energy)
Small engine repair
solar panels.....
Anybody have geothermal heating system?
Wind Up Wrist Watches?
How to take a Non-Electric Shower?
Need a n alternate power source?
Ideas wanted for large capacity solar shower
Renewable Energy Fair, October 19-21, in N Carolina
Tour of Solar Homes -- this weekend in Wisconsin, Oct.13-14
oil lamp vs. electric
Interesting auction
Homemade batteries
Fuel cell tech investing advice (and an unrelated computer question) Calling all geeks!
Are there any renewable energy festivals in south east? Where to find info?
Just got back from the IRENEW event (Alternate Energy)
Alternator power to dc
Hydrogen Power Engine
Anyone interested in auction of elf-sufficient Solar Property in NW Arkansas?
Bicycle Battery Charger
Selling wind generator system NW PA
lamps recalled
Iowa Energy Expo 2001
West coast Renewable Energy Festival?
Any interest in kerosene hot-air powered fans
Info on Sierra Solar
steam generators
Ever heard of earth tube heat exchange system?
Value of the 6.5kw Onan Genset?
Still looking for a low cost back-up heating system for moderate climate
"in situ" solar cells
MREA is looking for solar/alternative energy, etc. type homes for this fall's home tour (Wisconsin)
Geothermal Air Conditioning
Good time at the Energy Fair
Wind power for heating
Renewable Energy Fair This Weekend
Electret experiment (Alternate Energy)
Energy Fair at Amherst, WIS--June 22-24!!
Correct GPH rating for woodstove water coil flow
Renewable Energy Fair at Amherst, WI
LawnMower powered generator and propane conversion
Cooling (a house without A/C)
Here is the follow-up on the LED question.
hydrogen fuel cells (need info)
alternative energy (impact of additional drilling in Alaska)
New Fuel Cell Technology
Will we lose another solar technology breakthrough?
hydrogen fuel cells
Lead Acid Battery Desulfation Pulse Generator info - a rejuvinator.
Alternative fuel production info
Free Solar Storage Batteries
More on Pollys Solar
Solar flares and alternative energy on homestead
How many of us makes our own electricty?
Solar/renewable building--help!
Question about biodeisel fuel (Alternative Energy)
Amish Table Lamp
best wind generator to buy
alcohol conversion
Can a lay person install a windmill and Where to purchase?
I need a recommendation on a good alternative energy book
Solar Conference in NC
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living Fair
No question, just a hand clap (solar assisted housing development)
any ideas on building solar collecter for domestic hot water use ?
Motion detector security lights; how convert to 12 volt?
Hydrogen fueled vehicles
Found site for inexpensive permanent magnet generators (alt energy)
alternative energy alive and well in oklahoma
Can you MAKE solar electric pannels at home???
Need Recommendations for Affordable Solar Supplier
Does anyone have geothermal heat? (alt energy)
Solar Heating
cooling house with pondwater
Wind Power (Building a Windmill)
Lead acid battery positive pole get black ,any problem ?
What happened with the Solar Candles?
Any one heard of Midwest Renewable Energy Association?
Bicycle powered battery charger/generator
Tx For Response RE: (Alternative Energy) Home For Sale
answer to help with cost of solar
Alt. Energy Home For Sale
help with cost of solar energy
Corn burning stoves (and grills) (Alt.Energy, I guess)
Pellet Stove
water heating coils in stove
which batteries for solar storage
Anybody got any idea on how to turn methanol (wood alcohol) back into methane (natural gas)?
13 days with no electricity,including water
Pasture pumps or sling pumps
How to build a still
Bicycle powered washing machine
wood heat for house and hot water
Energy problem discussion
Home Power Magazine CD's
China Diesel Generators?
Cooking stoves
Generating electric from a car engine
Older Aladdin lamps ?
thinkin of tinkerin---energy
Demo Centers & Webpages for Alternative Energy Info?
Fertilizer prices soaring.
Old Fashioned ways to stay warm
Leaking woodstove flue collar
Questin for those with windmills ( Alternative energy . engineering dream)
Should Batteries and Inverters be in the same space?
anyone know what 'pine knots' are?
Heat generated fan for woodstove--anyone used?
Energy , Energy , Energy , Energy , Energy – Vikrant Suri
Yuppie Health Hazard
How to bank a fire?
where to get a B10 compactor for making burning bricks
well hand pumps and help putting it in.
Composting toilets
Ice Houses
telephone alternatives?
Fireplace insert . Free. Westchester, NY
How do you install a Dpl Throw switch?
recipe for making charcoal
Need tips and pointers on installing a wood stove
Outdoor wood furnaces
Tankless Waterheater
Anybody know whereabouts of Karl Frost?
off grid vacation spot
Propane Refrigerators
Boxwood stoves
boiller died, anyone heat w/ just wood?
Experts reassure 40 years left! Does this bother you too?
zneed info on Solar and Generator use
Info Heads Up - Power generation - PV & Wind
3500 Watt 8 hp Briggs & Stratton motor generator
wind generators in western WI?
Oil and Fuel and Economy questions
is there such a thing as a solar trough heater?
Waste Oil Stove
Alcohol for fuel
Had to fire up the wood sotve
Solar fence chargers
Articles needed
Convert small,older mobile home to 12 v DC
Why do only Deitz lanterns smell
Would you go from off the grid to on the grid?
Reel mowers and sharpening them
Anybody got a 3 blade windmill prop they'd be willing to sell?
Home built 500 watt wind generator for $350 design by Hugh Piggott
old technology
Looking for biofuel info
Killer auction of y2k stuff
Something Steve Learned at the Energy Fair.
MREA Fair (long post)
Reading lettering on rusty metal?/Wind Power
Converting to Propane.
steam-powered generator
Alternative to Ac in non electric homes
solar chargers for vehicle batteries
Who is going to visit Steve at the Energy Fair in Madison?
wind power question
Letter to Homepower Mag they wont print.... long post
wood stove problem
Where can I find out about steam engines?
Lighting for barn
Record keeping
free power
Web sites to calculate alternative energy needs/system requirements?
Why Can't Natural Gas be Bottled ?
Living lightly on the earth
Watt? I don't know!
passive solar house plans
Water heater doubles as furnace...
Hydra-fire wood/coal furnace.
Nomad 300 Experience?
Natural Gas Refrigerator/Freezers
Creosote Problem
feeding an outdoor wood furnace?
Front loading washing machine
Producer gas
Homemade diesel fuel
inverters and computers
Capturing free energy
catalytic wood stoves
Woodpile ethics-to do or not to do
Enertia homes
Heating home using the earths temperature
Storage of Kerosene
alternative energy communities
manure for fuel
how do i put a woodstove in a tent?
Newspaper Fireplace logs
looking for info on Mini-hydro generators
window box solar heater
Solar Water Heaters, How do you keep them from freezing?
operating a computer with generator power
propane-powered frig/generator
propane furnace needing electricity
Looking for an article by Mr. J. Bourgeois - Living off the grid
Battery-powered TV/VCR
Schematic of typical steam system
Alternate energy wiring design plans, etc.
Moderation questions? read
the FAQ