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Cattle (Health/Treatment) Threads
in the
Countryside question and answer forum
Calf with labored breathing
Need info - - emerg. calf delivery
Fly Blocks-Do They Work
Coughing Calves
I am writing a book and need your animal health recipies!
Can a calf be fed on lamb/kid milk replacer?
Calf doesn't seem to know how to nurse momma cow
coccidiosis in calves
HELP! Cow keeps pushing out her uterus
question on sick young steer
constipated calf
Cow down stuck in mud got pneumonia but doing better
Calf Holds Tail Up
bloody discharge from non-bred cow
Bloated heifer calf- eats alittle
comfrey for bottle calves
Calves with ear infections
Calf stable, but won't stand?
Castrating calf
Calf Health--runny poop
Worried about castrated calf
Has anyone used this cattle wormer?
drop calf feeding and care
Ken, didnt you write about giving bottle calves comfrey?
A Jersey Calf (sick)
Worming Pregnant Cow
Calf won't eat/drink
Bloated Calf
baby calf needs help.
what is milk fever ?
Broken Horn (on Jersey)
Is Diatomaceous Earth a good fly repellant for cattle?
goat milk or replacer for orphan calf?
what is the best milk for raising calve?
Shaklee Basic H as a livestock dewormer -- will it induce labor? (In cattle)
Coccidiosis, cattle
Pregnant Cow- Almost ready to drop?
mastitis in drying off cow (Cattle - Health/Treatment)
Lost (Jersey) cow and calf birthing, what happened?
premature calf bith defect
diagnosing pneumonia?? (Stocker calves)
Safe Wormers for a Dairy Calf
Calf down need help!
calf question for Ken
treating scours in a calf
cow cooties?
The Normal State of Calf Poop
wormers for calves and pregnant cows
getting a 9 month old calf to eat hay
Mad Cow Disease (Can it be transmitted through milk or cheese?)
Medicating a calf
Steer won't eat (bloat)
Calves and Pneumonia
Feeding Sour Colostrum???
Anyone use Tide to cure mastitis?
Sick cow--infected dehorning
Stimulating a Calf's Appetite
I gotta sick calf, can someone help?
Don't Bucket Feed Calves
calve questions
Help sick calve , don't know what's wrong
calf stopped eating
cattle (calves taken away from momma)
herford calf
Jersey cow has a problem, can anyone help?
insecticide ear tags for cows...do they work?
oops wormed calf with horse wormer, any problem ?
vet dosn't know what is wrong with calf
Ivomec/ivermectin injectible
It's a Bull! Pink Eye
Mastitis or Udder Edema?
Organic Fly Control for Heifer?
shots causing lameness??
Need to tube feed a calf.....HELP!
VERY Sick Calf
VERY sick calf
stomach tube
Help skinny calf
blind calf
Update on Premature calf
Problems with premature calf
growth on steer
Family cow with mastitis
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