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I just bought some new calfs at auction , and I was wondering what you all do if you have calfs that scour?I gave them scour pills and electrolytes.They don't have scour as of yet , but am treating them as they do just in case.
-- Patty Gamble (, March 15, 2000
Hi Patty,We buy calves from the local auction at times to raise on goat milk. We found success by giving them a scour pill, can't recall name and hubby is snoring away in chair. he knows the name. Anyways we give them 1 pill 2x's a day for 2 days. i think we get it from the Animal Medic or PBS catalog. then we give Immuno-G for stress. after that we feed with our excess goat milk. We have not lost any with this procedure. Before this we lost a lot to scours and secondary pnemonia. Alos, at the auction, since its a small one we ask if the calf had colestrum. if not then its just not worth buying as without its hard. But... I'm wondering if giving Immuno-G would help... will know here soon as we have to buy calves again. Hope this helps.
-- Bernice (, March 15, 2000.
Hi Patty, I was always told to back off on the amount of milk you're feeding until they "firm up". I have used the pink Pepto Bismol type stuff which gives them pink scours, and the gel type scour control which makes their poop look like bad jello. This is the method that works for me, burn some flour in an iron skillet and add some to their bottle. Go to three or four feedings a day using a small amount (like 1-2 cups, depending on the age/size of the calf) of milk and dilute it a bit then add about 1/4 cup of burned flour in it. This firms them right up. Then you can start upping the amounts per feeding. I've also given acidophilus in the milk/flour mix. Hope this helps.
-- Julie (, March 15, 2000.
I always use Slippery Elm for any kind of scours- animal or human- It is nourishing, soothing and firming.
-- Chris Allen (, March 15, 2000.
We have used Tetracycline Calf Scour boluses in the past and also use it when we must assist a doe in kidding. I was given a recipe for an inexpensive remedy by a clinician at the University of Mo vet school that is made of easily acquired ingredients. It's 1 can undiluted Campbell's Consome', 1 teaspoon Morton Lite Salt (potassium), 1 teaspoon baking soda, and enough water to make 2 quarts. Mix the consome' and the baking soda first and wait until the foaming subsides before adding the rest of the ingredients. Feed in place of milk or replacer until scours stop and gradually change back to the regular feedings. I don't know how this would work as it only puts fluid, no solids, into the system but it does. It is very important to see that the calf got colostrum as a previous writer mentioned. I also avoided calves that had wet cords because they may not have been dipped in iodine or similar antiseptic
-- Marilyn (, March 16, 2000.
The other ingredient was a box of powdered pectin like SureGel. That is what foams with the baking soda so don't have an overflow.
-- Marilyn (, March 16, 2000.
we use Sure Gel which I mix with a powdered electrolyte mix I purchase at the farm store which also contains neomycin. The above post using baking soda would probably work as well since it would replace the electrolytes. The Sure Gel helps to stop the scours. You can buy Neomycin in liquid form to mix with whatever else you give them. We had a calf so bad one time we thought he would be dead the next time we checked up on him. He couldn't stand up and was even starting to have tremors almost like convulsions but this cured him and he turned out to be one of our biggest calves! I've never had much success with pepto bismol. The important thing is to keep a close eye on them. The earlier you catch them scouring, the easier it is to cure. Watch their "rear ends" for white stuff on them - a good sign they are scouring.
-- barbara (, March 16, 2000.
Well I just came in from the barn and I was attacked by 3 hungry calves.I was glad to see this .The smallest one did have some runs , but not real bad.He was very happy to eat .The other 2 look great.I will continue with electrolytes and start milk tonight .I gave them another bolus too .I am going to read over all your responses before I go to the feed store , so I can pick them up .Thanks everyone ,I'll keep you postit
-- Patty Gamble (, March 16, 2000.
Being a rancher's often have the problem with scour calves and this is the absolute best thing we have found....and the cheapest...and easiest to get. If the calf doesn't get clostrum...mix some "EXCELLENT" quality milk replacer or cow's milk with 1 does the same thing as colstrum. If they are the least bit runny and won't eat...we tube them with soda water...believe me we have had the vet and used absolutely everything under the sun and have brought calves back from sure death by using plain old baking soda and water. I think the biggest thing you need to remember is that scours can be in your ground and if you use pins you should clean them real good after the calf has been weaned and use lime to control the disease. However...everyone's situation is different and you have to find what works best for you. I am sure it has a lot to do with regional aspects and such plus the breed of cattle you are buying. We don't buy calves from auctions so I am sure that has a different factor to figure in also. We have bought calves from local dairy's and have had excellent luck! Good luck in your search! Krista
-- Krista (, March 16, 2000.