calve : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was wondering what everyone else does .I am getting 2 calves from auction tonight .Should I worm them ? Pnemonia vacc ? Any other vacc. ? I will start them with scours control 2 like I have with others for 5-7 days .Can you think of anything else ?
-- Patty Gamble (, October 04, 2000
keep them away from any calves or cows you already have...allow no contact between then for a few weeks just to be on the safe side. we learned this the hard way, a new one was a carrier of sometype of "flu" just about lost everyone!
-- renee oneill (, October 04, 2000.
Well they just got here and are nice and spunky .They ate good and are in the barn .Keep your fingers crossed.
-- Patty Gamble (, October 04, 2000.
Hi Patty,Good Luck with the little guys. Sounds like you have a upper hand there with their health and your scour treatment. I would just add that try to stay away from milk replacers if you can... not a good substitute for the real MIlk. We also are raising calves right now and are feeding them off the goat milk. We gave ours a supplement called Immuno-G which is a cloestrum based product. We are now feeding 3 gallons of milk a day to them and have not had scours. Lots of luck:)
-- Bernice (, October 04, 2000.
Should the calves start to scour try putting comfrey stems and leaves in a mixer with just enough water to turn it into a puree. Then added it to the milk. This is from Comfrey: Fooder, Food & Remedy. He is very adament it is a great benefit to all livestock and even a small plot well tended and fertilized will be enough for a number of head. Primarily it is the allantoin(B12) in it which is of value. In fact, comfrey is the only known plant to produce B12).
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, October 05, 2000.
They are both well this morning and I'm waiting on the Vet .I am tending to get more aggressive with there care as time goes on .I don't like loosing .Both are spunky and got me soaked this a.m. I almost forgot how much I enjoy them .
-- Patty Gamble (, October 05, 2000.
You can also give them a shot of Super "B" vitamin. Its mostly b12 vitamin and it does help ward off problems. especially if weaker calves. I also recommend giving a bottle of electrolytes when you get them home if they are bottle calves. Sometimes they come to the sale barn dehydrated and such. Especially since the dehydration is what kills the calf from scours. Good luck sounds like they will be fine.
-- steve (, October 05, 2000.