Ivomec/ivermectin injectible

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Has anyone heard of using Ivomec injectible, given orally, to dogs to treat for internal and external parasites? I heard about this the other day and the person said it really does the trick on worms and ticks. I have also heard about it being dangerous for certain breeds and also not to use the type with "liver flux" in it. Need a DVM's opinion.


-- John (noyb@prvt.com), June 26, 2000


Please don`t give your dog Ivomec in any form it can KILL dogs! ask your vet about a good wormer,, there are many safe ones out there.

-- Bergere (autumnhaus@aol.com), June 26, 2000.

Not a DVM, but an RVT *G* ( reg. vet tech).... and you can use ivermectin in dogs, but the injectible tends to be too highly concentrated for accurate measuring in small dosages... unless you are quite adept at measuring and diluting. The oral ivomec sheep drench tends to work better because it is less dilute, even with this you end up using less that 1cc most of the time. Ivermectin can be used to treat mange and other external parasitic infections, and at a lower dose used to prevent heartworm. It isn't great at treating canine intestinal worms though. If you want dossages and are confident in your skills to dilute and measure let me know.

-- Marci B. (daleb@kent.net), June 26, 2000.

We have succesfully kept heartworms at bay with Ivermectin and we regularly worm with Valbazen. I mix 14cc of Ivermectin 1% cattle injectable with 86cc of propolyn glycol or sterile water. This gives you a diluted form of Ivermectin which is used on puppies starting at 3 months, and adults. To start using this you give 1cc per 100 pounds once a week for 5 weeks then once monthly for life. So if your dog weighs 30 pounds you give it .03cc of this mixture. Get yourself a tuberculine 1cc syringe) I know lots of rottwiler folks who use Pig .27% Ivermectin at 1cc per 20 pounds straight. We have alwaysed used the 1% mixture. Worming with Valbazen is cheaper for us because our dogs are so heavy. We use it monthly during the spring and summer and early fall, rarely (with fecal) need to worm during the late fall or winter, ironically the same time we stop using our flea (bio-spot) product. The dosage we use on Valbazen is 1cc per 10 pounds of dog daily for 2 days each month. So that same 30 pound dog would get 3cc of Valbazen, two days each month. It is important to note that their are breeds of dogs who are allergic to mectin products, Advantage etc. Collie breeds etc. So use these at your own risk. I don't start using the Valbazen on pups until they are 12 weeks, worming pups at 3,6,9 and 12 weeks with pyrantel pomate (sp) instead. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), June 26, 2000.

Vicki has got it down to a science... more patient than me to type all of that out!! Sounds like a good routine.

-- Marci B. (daleb@kent.net), June 26, 2000.

DVM answer: To my knowledge ivermectin has no activity against ticks or fleas. I use it routinely for sarcoptic mange and ear mites. It is the major ingredient in Heartguard heartworm preventive. It should be used cautiously in collies and shelties. For mange I mix 1 cc of the 1% solution in 9 cc of either propylene glycol or 50% dextrose and dose at 1 cc per 20 pounds of weight orally. Repeat in two weeks. This mixture also works well for de-licing birds. I use it at 0.1 cc per pound on my pigeons and chickens and have had no problems. Some vets use the injectible straight at .1cc per 10 pounds SQ for mange and ear mites. My understanding is that it works well for roundworms and hookworms. I don't have a heartworm protocol yet. I have to find one because I need to start treating my own dogs soon. I will try to mail you the monthly dose if you are interested.

-- teresa (teresam@ascent.net), June 26, 2000.

L.uso di ivomec per il trattamento delle microfilaria nel cane, dà buoni risultati, a patto che si faccia attenzione alle dosi. Al contrario della pasticca "cardotek" in cui sono sufficienti 6mcgper kg p.v., per la soluzione iniettabile occorrono 0,01ml per kg p.v. da dosare con siringhe da insulina.per un cane di 10kg occorrono quindi 0.10ml corrispondenti a 10 unità di insulina.

-- andreabarlassina (andrea.barlassina@inwind.it), May 25, 2001.

My vet suggests (for heartworm) 1cc Ivomec 1% injectable to 26cc steril water then give orally 1cc of this mixture per 88lbs of dog weight. For different dog weights break it down with a calculator for correct doseage. My Vet also suggests not to store mixture for more than a day because once mixed even with sterile water it won't keep.

-- Scotty W. Smith (scottywayne@bluebonnet.net), February 12, 2002.

Correction from Scotty W. Smith 6cc Ivomec to 26cc sterile water which is about a 1 to 4.3 delution.

-- Scotty W. Smith (scottywayne@bluebonnet.net), February 12, 2002.

We recently had our elkhound treated for tape worm. The vet used Ivomec. To date the dog is paralyzed and unable to eat. This happened in a span of about 36 hours. We have her at anothre vet for treatment. She has been there for 3 days. Use caution and do some research.

-- Randy Mullins (randymullins@hotmail.com), March 13, 2002.

Randy you may want to question your vet and perhaps contact a good lawyer. Ivermectin isn't even classed for use as tapeworm control. It is one thing to use drugs extra label, quite another one to make up a use! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), March 13, 2002.

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