Steer won't eat (bloat) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are raising a steer to eat and have been feeding him mostly grain with a little hay. He started to get bloated (maybe we started feeding too much grain to quickly?) and now will not eat anything. Any suggestions? Thanks.
-- Amy Keller (, January 22, 2001
My advice is to call your vet ASAP.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, January 23, 2001.
I agree with Ken. Call your vet or one who does large animals pronto. You need to slowly switch a steer over to grain. Over a period of a couple weeks switch from mostly hay to mostly grain( not all grain) They need the roughage to aid in digestion in their rumman. Also I would reccomend calling your local extension agent and asking what form of ration you need for your particular breed and age steer. Good luck and hope he turns out ok.
-- steveR (, January 23, 2001.
This is from A Venterinary Guide for Animal Owners by C. E. Spaulding, D.V.M: In nearly all (bloat) cases, the animal will recover promptly if a defoaming agent is given. Some very effective defoaming agents are corn oil, peanut oil, soybean oil and safflower oil. Cream and mineral oil have also been used with quite good results. Four to eight ounces are usually sufficient for a calf, and a pint is about right for adult animals.I believe Peptobismo has also been used for this purpose.
Let us know what happens.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, January 23, 2001.