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Technology Threads
in the
TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) question and answer forum
Read Jim Lord's Y2K Apology
Norway debates radar facility
OT - Tech hypocrisy running rampant (comments on AOL, DoubleClick, Microsoft)
OT?: CallNet0800 shrugs off claims of renewed problems
OT?: Joint NASA-Japanese Satellite Appears Lost
Buy.com Hacked
Atomic Scale Computer Tech
OT: Ananova: The world's first virtual newscaster
OT: Machines as smart as monkeys, or men - "people will soon learn to love them"
piracy is rampant REUTERS: "China to Ban Government Use of [Microsoft] Windows"; '...piracy is rampant -- reaching a reaching a rate of more than 90 percent by some estimates'
AI and Fuzzy Logic
HELP with my VCR, please
The Fat lady has been singing for years...
NOAA Stat Problem in CA--Stuck at 0 GMT
Putting the puzzle together
FWIW I got a Postal Letter today
Trust me I am a Technologist and you don't understand...
JAPANESE TOAST - "Y2K disruptions of suppliers could hobble manufacturers"
Why worry?
Mail Processing Equipment(I'm Quietly Optimistic)
Remember the Connections Program on PBS?
Example of windowing gone wrong? NRMA in Australia
Second Mars mission failure in three months. Y2K related?
The Potential for Chemical Accidents
CIO flight?
OT: Human Tatooing [US Patent 5,878,155]
U.S. consultants take heat over millennium bug readiness ratings
Major Negative Y2K Changes
Probabilities in writing
OT Article: 'Skin Chipping' Topic No Longer Taboo
Slightly OT: "CME could impact the earth on November 19. "
Hubble Space Telescope Fails
OT sort of --Microsoft announcement re monopoly
Postal stuff and an apology.
Y2K Links for kids.
Y2k managers - Optimistic but clawing to survive
Just a timely thought, or not...
OT: FAA allows only copy of source code to get stolen!
Highest percentage of `negative' changes this month
OT: "Mark of the Beast" [US Patent 5,878,155]: Continued . . .
OT: "Mark of the Beast" [US Patent 5,878,155]
Has anyone heard of this problem from last New Year's Eve?
OT: Oh, great! Just what we need about now... a black hole!
4th Quarter said to be start of increased glitches. Will geeral public notice or only accountants and programmers?
O.T. in a way
Y2k worry causes satellite test delay
Got tinfoil dustpans? OT
Question: Has Anyone Here Actually Worked For A Competent Software House?
OT: Biometrics breaks into prisons: Inmates identified by scanning their irises, voice prints
GPS Problems today?
Here's a decent gps resource page.
Millions of satellite navigation devices set to fail
General GPS info link
GPS Article in Sun-Sentinel
More vendors reverse Y2K
Y2K Newswire says testing is a joke!
A little Postal Update on 2 systems.
need help to build teepee or yurt
Y2K Software Franchisor Sued
Japanese Media Alarmed By Secrecy Over Chinese Nuclear Trouble
For "Andy Ray" - Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation
OT - Making your own Optical Instruments/Telescopes
Will the GPS rollover be a big problem?
computers going down
g.norths reply to mills
Charles Perrow on Y2K interconnections
Telecom & Y2k
Heads Up: Y2K Experts Poll Results to Be Released
Two more examples of Y2k glitches
White Led Information
"Planet Buster" solar flare
Express Mail Tracking(good news)!
New Y2K 'Solution' Links Experts With Individuals
Firms Tap Y2K Crisis Centers
Senators Surprised? Or do they consider this a Localized Failure? Senate Y2K Committee Reports Inaccessible -- Senate Site Down
[Long] White LED lighting modules - Want one?
Malicious Y2K Virus thread
GPS mostly good news w/ some real concerns
Senate Testimony on the Chemical Industry CWHIB
This is really me~ My answere to cory? and I started off on cast iron cookware.
Senate Special Committee Chemical Reports Online
Missle failure speculation - (Titan IV)
T. J. Rodgers on Y2K
InformationWeek on Y2k
Apple Says Costs Increased To Address Y2K
New Zealand y2k fy 4/1/1999 problems with accounting software
New toy
"Ninety-nine and a half just won't do"
Aviation Week & Space Technology Overview
Where Y2K can occur in a system - the various levels of system design
Are US Programmers Slackers? (CNN article)
81% of Vendor software not ready for Y2K
Making a living after 1/3/2000
[British] Firms suffer Net loss of #2.5m [approx. $4m] as the staff surf
Where are all the Pollys?--Part 2
Y2k software testers bite their nails
Electric Utility Billing Glitch--Paging Drew Parkhill
New D.C. Computer System Starts Off With a Glitch
NATO strike & date problem
Nicads Vs NiMH batterys , a question
Postal Service remediation cost overruns.
Year 2000 Projects May Be Overlooking Millions of Lines of Missing Computer Code
Even the virtuous may be hit by Y2K
Elec Telegraph: Melisa travels worldwide
Did anyone else notice the EMP reference in earlier thread?
Mail Processing Technology, an error and some answers
Will High-Tech Companies Survive Y2K?
hackers and Y2K
Mail processing equipment as I know it.
Global Positioning System (GPS)- good explaination
Let's do it again - Y2K Fix May Only Last a Generation
Mail Processing Technology(I'll post a msg tomorrow)
New York after the millenium
Free Software guru blames software licenses for Y2K woes
What's wrong with this picture? - another look at Peach Bottom nuclear Y2K prob
How could they have been so stupid?
Imported oil supply breakdown
A big DGI! Bill Gates Blesses us....
Does anyone know of an economical Y2K-compliant credit card terminal company ?
You are not anonymous! This web site can get your name and address.
Should I get a police scanner with military band?
The Three Legged Stool / y2k Fixes Breed New Bugs
I had my first software failure yesterday!?!?!
Russia to receive Y2K support from US
U.S. Traffic Light Problems Too?
Power industry, water companies, transporters, food suppliers--somebody! Hire this kid!
Bill Dunn
British article: Y2K problem akin to "changing every bolt and rivet in all the world's bridges"
An example of cyber-terrorism?
USN&WR: "Wal-Mart knows what you bought last Christmas"
NERC analysis by R Cowles
Prodigy Classic Shutting Down: Y2K
Black Holes and Technical Collapse
Y2K - compliant vs ready?
Ruminations on Technological Obsolescence, from a Ruminant.
Chicago Tribune not accepting yr = 99
Out of Time?
why don't they listen? Case in point.Ctxt
Vanity Fair Article
Will the GPS rollover bring the devestation early?
Solar Cooking ( India )
ITU Conference Breifing Notes (What the US *really* thinks about Y2k )
Infrastructure dependancy on GPS
Truth Matters
Domino starting..personal experience
embedded chips in fuel production--impossible to fix?
PDP-11 update
Pitney Bowes Postage Meters Y2K Compliant?
Lines of Code vs. Program instructions
Opto22 compliance statement
Happening today: Major Y2K Oil Well Problem
Power Company - Equipment replacement
What year will it be?
Veronex Technologies
Will our "modern" appliances become obsolete?
y2k fix?
NERC rpt: Y2K "optimist" worried
Indiana power info
Y2K & Cyberterrorism
Critique of Mark Frautschi's Report
Need Your Help On Software
Dams? Compliant? If not, what to expect?
Is there proof the Y2K problem can be solved?
Fixing the date???
Communications Satellites Vulnerable?
Percent Guesstimate of Embedded Chips with Date Function
Percent Guesstimate of Embedded Chips with Date Function
Look - Up In The Sky! A Plane, a Jet, an Embedded Chip?
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