Aviation Week & Space Technology Overview

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The 4/19/99 issue of AW&ST has several overview articles on Y2K from an aerospace point of view. This is the first issue which put Y2K on the cover (title: Aerospace Ready For Y2K?). This is more or less THE magazine for those in the industry. The magazine has only run a few articles on the subject and those were quite recent. The overall message or theme can be summed up by a quote from Robert Morgan (FAA Y2K international manager) who said: "Airplanes won't fall from the sky. But its not going to be a nonevent either." The US airline industry will spend something like $2 Billion (most of that over the last 18 months.) I will list some of the other salient points from the articles.

-- RD. ->H (drherr@erols.com), April 24, 1999


Having spent 37 years in aviation(4 years Navy, 33 major aircarrier) I think the bit about airplanes falling out of the sky is a PR stunt by the media to take attention away from the real problem. Todays aircraft have many redundant systems which allows the plane to keep flying after losing a major system. I think the statement about not flying in the first place is totally correct, as in the dispatch system alone, there are any number of date sensitive functions. The same trip is flown almost every day and some of these are planned by the dispatch function ahead. Aircraft routing for maintainence is a time critical function, crew scheduling is date sensitive and so it goes.

-- Gene on Cape Cod (carvgene@gis.net), April 24, 1999.

2 billions in aerospace alone? Wow! A long way from a "non-event."

Now, again, the question comes up: NONE of these dared to "test" before completing remediation, none (based on the comments summarized above) have finished everything yet.

Doesn't mean they are in too deep of trouble yet - those who are close to finishing can still (probably) finish on time and still have time to use their systems in 1999 as a "live test". But, it does mean that those companies NOT remediated (or very close to finishing - in any industry) are in deep trouble. These guys aren't spending this much money to repair nothing and "convenience" printouts.

It's getting later.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), April 26, 1999.


-- K Stevens (K Stevens@the _wheels_are_coming_off.com), April 26, 1999.

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