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Historical Controversies Threads
in the
TitanicShack question and answer forum
When was the Titanic supposed to arrive in New York
Why didn't the Californian come to titanic's aid?
How did Captain Smith die?
were rights and responsibilities denied to the passengers, both 1st,2nd and 3rd class
i think the price for a ticket is outrageous!
Scene Sequences {Father Browne's photograph}
Discovery says Cameron was wrong....{about sinking timeline}
The Curse of the Hope Diamond (TV Documentary - March 7, A&E)
If you thought Caledon Hockley was an unimaginable bastard...
A transportation accident.
Lifeboats on the Titanic
Titanic {Why so few lifeboats?}
HEAD ON {was it a viable choice for the collision?}
Historical Contingency{was: cast}
medals of captain smith
"Titanic": Worker Tested, Party Approved (Chinese Communist Party)
CHINA PAINTS TITANIC RED {President Jiang Zemin backs film's Communist values}
A copy of the TITAN on the ship itself...
New Questions Arise Over "Titanic" Plot
Makers of 'Titanic' give money for memorial to ship's first mate
Should Titanic artifacts be salvaged?
Why the ship, californian, does not help?
What anachronism/gaffe/historical errors *should* have been included in
What do Titanic Historians think of the Hype?
Second ship? {'Californian' controvery}
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