A copy of the TITAN on the ship itself...greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I can't remember the name of the author, but a book by the title of "Titan" was supposedly written in the late 1800's where it spoke of a luxery ship that was regarded as unsinkable striking an iceberg and sinking in the month of April on it's maiden voyage. In the fictional account, many of the passengers were the upper class of society at that time as well. Anyway, I remember reading somewhere that as the real Titanic's library was being filled with books, someone had put a copy of the "Titan" on one of the bookshelves as a grim joke. Anyone have any confirmation on this? Also, would that book still be in existence anywhere?
-- Michael (foo@bar.com), April 13, 1998
The book is actually called The Wreck of the Titan or Futility. It was written by Morgan Robertson. I'd also heard that the book was on the Titanic when she sank but the last I heard it was untrue or at the very least not confirmed. Yes, the book is still in print. I almost bought a copy just the other day but I didn't have the money for it. If you can't find it in your local bookstore they can probably order it for you so ask about it:) Good luck!
-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), April 13, 1998.
Thanks Miranda!
-- Michael (foo@bar.com), April 13, 1998.
Hi Michel:Miranda has already correctly identified the title of the book in question. The book was written in 1896.
I am told that the story of this book being in one of Titanic's libraries (there were two, one each for first and second class) was mentioned in the book "Her Name, Titanic" by Charles Pellegrino. This book is not highly regarded by most Titanic scholars, however, and the concensus seems to be that this particular story is, at best, "literary license."
-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), April 13, 1998.
Kip, was the book you just mentioned supposed to be fictonal accounts set against the backdrop of the real thing (like the movie)? I'm wondering why someone anyone might try to pass that off as possible fact. If the book were aboard the Titanic (a big if), wouldn't that be ironic?!
-- Michael (foo@bar.com), April 14, 1998.
Michael, the book Futility or Wreck of the Titan was published 14 years prior to the sinking of the Titanic. In the book the size, # of people, # of watertight compartments, # of lifeboats are very similar to Titanic. All passengers perish except a little girl and an officer.One more piece of Tidbit. There was an author W.T. Stead traveling on board Titanic. He had written earlier a novella about a giant ocean liner that hits an iceberg and sinks. All passengers are rescued by the Oceanic and A Captain Edward John Smith. Mr. Stead didn't survive the sinking. Oceanic was a flagship of the White Star Line and the ship was credited with being the First of the modern oceanliners.
-- RL-Memeber Titanic Historical Soceity (Adak3@riconnect.com), January 22, 1999.
Just found this site today. I notice that most of the dates are a bit old. However, in case any of you are still interested, the complete text of The Wreck of The Titan can be found at:http://www.msu.edu/~daggy/cop/effluvia/twott-t.htm
-- T. E. Cushing (LoNote53@BellSouth.net), July 08, 2003.