It's time to annoy Frank again : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I haven't seen him post lately but perhaps this will draw him out of the woodwork.

Using the time honored method of scientific astrology, on , I predicted the Nasdaq would experience a very sharp dip surrounding July 23...

July 23 - Watch out for this one! Pluto Rx (destruction/crisis) conjuncts Mars (explosive) in the 8th (debts/joint resources). Expect heavy downward movement...The effects of slower moving "outer" planets can be felt for a week or so before and after the date indicated.

On 7/17/00 the Nasdaq closed at 4274 and on 7/28/00 it closed at 3662 for a whopping 612 point loss! Scientific astrology scores another success! (And the crowd cheers wildly!)

So now it's YOUR turn to step up to the plate, Frankie. Tell us 82 days in advance how the market will move and whether the fluctuation will be light, medium or heavy for the time frame surrounding October 18th. We're counting on you so don't let us down.

Take it away, Frankie.....

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000


That's it! I'm not doing HTML any more. Sorry!

The original prediction date that's missing above is May 2, 2000.

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000.

Geez, considering how many of your loony predictions have been WRONG (read the archives of Stinky I) why would you be so proud of a guess? What a coincidence that you happen to have forgortten your false predictions over the last year.

(but what the hell, getting ONE right puts you in a better category than old EY and North, so keep trying!)


-- loony tooney (doomie@zoomies.clueless), July 31, 2000.

Geez, considering how many of your loony predictions have been WRONG (read the archives of Stinky I) why would you be so proud of a guess? What a coincidence that you happen to have forgortten your false predictions over the last year.

False predictions? How about some examples? (And what's Stinky I?)

-- LunaC (ProveIt@I', July 31, 2000.

Point #1: Astrology has NEVER been considered science, so that is your first error;

Point #2: guessing and generalities do not constitute being "right" or "correct";

Point #3: You promised to ignore Frank on the same thread you linked to (and I quote):

"Frank, once again you've shown your ignorance by demonstrating your unfamiliarity with Usenet terms. Why am I not surprised? A "killfile" isn't a threat (you can quit spewing spittle now)'s a means of ignoring complete idiots which is exactly what I intend to do with you, as promised.

Really, Frank, for a "Christian" you're truly a disappointment the way you spew such hatred, bias and vile. Tsk. Tsk. It's a perfect example of those hypocritical tendencies I mentioned previously.

-- LunaC (, May 03, 2000."

I wonder who the hypocrite is here......

-- LMAO (LOL@doom.idiots), July 31, 2000.

Do your own homework, lunatic. I ain't gonna do it for you (geez, you'ds think you would have learned from the y2k debate! some people never do!!!)

ps "stinky" is short for Stinkbomb 2000, your old extremist stomping grounds!

-- loony tooney (doomie@zoomies.clueless), July 31, 2000.

Looney, I never posted any predictions on "Stinky I" which is why I challenged YOU to present documentation that doesn't even exist. -lol- The only predictions I've posted have been HERE and they've been accurate whether you like it or not. If you disagree then prove otherwise. The burden is on YOU and not ME.

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000.


"stinky 1" is one of cpr's pet names for last year's TB2000 forum. (a "time bomb" that was a dud, ie, a "stink bomb", a stinky--get it? Ha ha, cpr the epitome of wit)

I have never had much interest in, or put much credance in astrology, but if I had taken your astrology strockmarket predictions seriously on May 2, then I would not be so busted now. Still, there are thousands of would-be stock picker gurus so a single correct prediction proves nothing. Do you have a track record of correct predictions? Are you personally wealthy due to your abilities? I would guess not, but if you are right even 51% of the time then sign me up for your newsletter.

PS--what do think cpr's sign is? He reminds me of my perpetually angry brother, who also lives in Dallas, so I will guess Libra. cpr?

-- Lars (, July 31, 2000.

Point #3: You promised to ignore Frank on the same thread you linked to

I changed my mind. Female perogative. Got a problem with that? (No, you've got a problem admitting that there's something to astrology that your miniscule brain can't comprehend. Work on that first then come back and we'll talk.)

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000.

Lars - Still, there are thousands of would-be stock picker gurus so a single correct prediction proves nothing. Do you have a track record of correct predictions?

I don't speak for the thousands of other stock pickers, only myself. And yes, I do have a track record. For one, I predicted the April 14th Meltdown months in advance. The rest of my predictions I publically posted here for anyone's perusal and they speak for themselves.

Are you personally wealthy due to your abilities?

I only WISH I had the finances to afford investing or I'd be able to answer your question with a resounding "yes". Regretfully the old adage "it takes money to make money" has left me out of the investing game.

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000.


-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), July 31, 2000.

"Looney, I never posted any predictions on "Stinky I" which is why I challenged YOU to present documentation that doesn't even exist."

LOL indeed! are you sure you want to stick by that statement?!? (I have the thread handy of your "non-predictions")

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Are you really Steve "I made no predictions" Heller?!?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Gawd you crystal fondlers are FUNNY!

BTW that last statement about not having any finances to invest with tells the WHOLE story about you and your type....Frank was right in his assessment of you 'sitting with your conical star and moon hat bilking people out of whatever silver they have in their pockets'

If this isn't your first correct prediction why AREN'T you making money hand over fist???

ANSWER: you got one lucky guess and you don't even believe in what you are trying to sell others!


-- Not CPR but you looneys (are@still.damn.funny!!!), July 31, 2000.

Louis, if you've got a link, lets have it.

-- Hope (you@arent.bluffing), July 31, 2000.

who is Louis?

-- not Frank or CPR but still (LMAO@the.loonies), July 31, 2000.

this took mere minutes to find:

OT: An astrological look at the NASDAQ

If those aren't "predictions" I'd like to know what are!

(BTW this statement "If you look back, sometime between the ages of 28 - 30 something happened to you to knock you off course and send you in an entirely new direction, dratically changing the status quo and your worldview in the process." is also wrong. Since age 23 I've been in the same job, marriage, house; EVERYTHING. I'm now over 40. Explain THAT with your planetary alignments!)

-- Archiver (, July 31, 2000.

Archiver - please get your glasses. That prediction was on THIS forum, not "Stinky I". Try again.

(Jeez, you folks are just too damn funny!)

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000.

Archiver - please get your glasses. That prediction was on THIS forum, not "Stinky I".

Try again.

(Jeez, you folks are just too damn funny!) -- LunaC (, July 31, 2000.

Look again, LunaC

-- check it out (you@re.wrong), July 31, 2000.


Looks like I've got to check in more often, have been busy so haven't had the time :-( . Anyway, as in Nature, someone has jumped in to fill the void :-)

I don't know, I've kind of given up on some of the people here (ref. the AIDS threads), so if you want to believe that "astrology" is a science, by all means be my guest. Again though, if you intend to try and convince others of the same, please start with your friends and family before polluting the rest of society.

Needing to get home after too many *long* days,


-- Someone (, July 31, 2000.

"Not CPR", you posted

Frank was right in his assessment of you 'sitting with your conical star and moon hat bilking people out of whatever silver they have in their pockets'

I had to laugh at myself when I saw this, usually I try (well, I suppose I should say I used to try) and refrain from being too insulting here. Do you happen to have a link to that thread? I know it was one of the NASDAQ threads on this forum. Or do you just have an ability to retain what you read that most people would envy?


-- Someone (, July 31, 2000.

Can anyone here explain why all twelve Astrological signs are up in an alcove behind the main altar inside the Catholic University Shrine (church) on Michigan Ave. in Wash DC. ?

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), July 31, 2000.

Gooooood question Kofe

-- cin (cin@cinn.cin), July 31, 2000.

Can anyone here explain why all twelve Astrological signs are up in an alcove behind the main altar inside the Catholic University Shrine (church) on Michigan Ave. in Wash DC. ? -- KoFE

Because if they put them on the main altar then everyone would notice!

-- next question, please... (, July 31, 2000.

Our ancestors knew that time was everything, even a deck of playing cards [4*13=52] represents the earth's orbit. These celestial expressions are repeated in cultures everywhere.

Of course it is much easier to dismiss it as pollution. Too bad.

I'm wondering about this fall too....

-- Will (, August 01, 2000.

(Lets see if I can answer these in some kind of order)


you said "Archiver - please get your glasses. That prediction was on THIS forum, not "Stinky I". Try again.

(Jeez, you folks are just too damn funny!)

-- LunaC (, July 31, 2000."

Well, I agree that YOU are too funny! I provided a link that had you bothered to follow, would have taken you to "Timebomb 2000 (Y2000)" forum, the old Ed Yourdon dog-n-pony show A.K.A. Stinky I. Do I need to cut and paste the ACTUAL thread here so you will be convinced??? Man, you are DENSE. It will be interesting to see if you have any intellectual integrity, and admit that you were WRONG. My bet is that you will slink off in silence like the others of your ilk, simply ignoring facts and continuing on in ignorance. What the heck it's a free country, be as ignorant as you like! [also watch out for those explosive, unpredictable tendancies of Uranus! :-)]

Frank: It's a combination of both. I believe if you click Lunatics botched HTML link at the top of this thread, you will find the thread. I'm too busy now to post the link. You will know if you find it, because after you destroyed the crystal fondlers with pure logic, they went silent and abandoned that thread. :-)

Like you, I don't hold much hope of educating the ignorant over the internet. They don't want to learn.

KoFE: The short answer is that the Catholic church is the harlot of Revelation, drunk with the blood of the saints (The religious system that is the vatican kills the Christians for not believing the Pope is infallible, for owning copies of the Bible, etc. see Fox's book of Martyrs for more detail.) So it is not suprizing that they embrace the very things (like astrology) that the Bible clearly prohibits Christians from partaking of.

-- Archiver of Mental Mis-deeds (also@NOT.CPR), August 01, 2000.

Archiver - It was my belief that "Stinky I" encompassed all things *PRE* Y2k and that this forum came about *AFTER* Y2k. Since I was not involved in the Y2k hysteria as some have falsely assumed, it was my honest belief that I had never posted on "Stinky I". Apparently I was mistaken as to the exact timing of the "Stinky I" transition to THIS forum and, technically speaking, I stand corrected.

Nevertheless, you and the other rabid debunkers have YET to follow the many stock market predictions I posted to point out any specific inaccuracies so, technically speaking, astrology STILL stands as an accurate means of assessing the future despite your frothing at the mouth over inconsequentialities. Until you prove otherwise, you'll just have to accept it, like it or not. I will now await YOUR retraction and apology...unless, of course, rabid debunkers simply slink back to the undergrowth from wence they came, which I suspect will be the case.

-- LunaC (, August 01, 2000.

Oh yes...for all you debunkers who think my predictions are mere "guesses", I extend my challenge to Frank to all of you:

Tell us 82 days in advance how the market will move and whether the fluctuation will be light, medium or heavy for the time frame surrounding October 18th. (One week before and after)

We will then compare notes to determine whose method of "guessing" is more accurate. I suspect none of you will have the balls to accept the challenge. Frank certainly doesn't!

-- LunaC (, August 01, 2000.

I suspect none of you will have the balls to accept the challenge. Frank certainly doesn't!

-- LunaC (, August 01, 2000.

Damn, I predict lunacy is right, cause I aint go no balls I am a woman.

-- female (, August 01, 2000.

KoFE, you said,

Can anyone here explain why all twelve Astrological signs are up in an alcove behind the main altar inside the Catholic University Shrine (church) on Michigan Ave. in Wash DC. ?

I can't, but can take a guess or two. If the signs are sort of a border *around* the alcove it's probably some artist's attempt to show the calendar year or the passage of time. If it's on the ceiling it's probably to represent the Heavens.

The Catholic Church doesn't practice astrology, so they aren't there as *astrology* referrences, but they do believe in art and expression, so varied representations of most things are accepted. Also, astrological symbols aren't a part of Catholic practice or they would be in *every* church.

If you REALLY want an answer, there's one good way for you to find out though, go to the Catholic University website and ASK them what it means, if it means that much to you. Personally, I'll bet the answer will be some form of "artistic lisence", but like I said, I'm not giving any "official" response, just a personal guess.


I *already* predicted a market drop once, using Lunacology, and have said I really don't want to be involved with it. Why don't you move on?


-- Someone (, August 01, 2000.

Frank - As many of your fellow debunkers have stated on this very threat, ONE prediction just ain't good enough. Since I've provided dozens of predictions, you've got some catching up to do so we can compare whose method of "guessing" is more accurate.

I will gladly move on when you concede that your commentaries and snide remarks about astrology were made without any personal investigation or knowledge of the subject matter and were, resultingly, grossly inaccurate. In view of the many accurate predictions I've presented for your review, and your complete failure to prove astrology as being *in*accurate, it's the least you can do if you were - what was that term? - oh, yes...intellectually honest.

-- LunaC (, August 01, 2000.


"I don't know, I've kind of given up on some of the people here (ref. the AIDS threads), so if you want to believe that "astrology" is a science, by all means be my guest. Again though, if you intend to try and convince others of the same, please start with your friends and family before polluting the rest of society. "

Seriously, move on,


-- Someone (, August 01, 2000.

Frank - the point of contention is NOT about astrology being a "science" but whether or not is it VALID and ACCURATE means of prediction. And as long as you intentionally, snidefully and rudely continue to refer to me as "Lunacy", your half-assed acquiescence above can't be taken seriously and remains intellectually dishonest. Why am I not surprised?

-- LunaC (, August 01, 2000.

heh heh heh. well I got two personal predictions right. I wrote on a peice of paper next to my puter that lunatic would make a half-assed "I was kinda-sorta wrong" statement, which she has. This after being so adamant that the "debunkers" were "too damn funny" (about being wrong). Notice she did not say she was wrong, she merely "stands corrected". The words just won't come to your lips, will they lunatic? As for specific predictions that were wrong you said the market would crash in didn't. You claimed that the dotcom bubble was going to burst (in the next few months) but it hasn't. The market has had its ups and downs like it always does. I don't have time to list all your other errors, mostly because you won't listen. You have a caveat for everything.

That leads to my second correct prediction....that lunatic would claim she needed an apology....which she has!

Damn, I'm good at this!

You wanna know the market for it is. Holds steady with a slight upward trend. Not that I plan on hanging around until October to show you that I can guess as well as the next if I am wrong you can have a HEYDAY at my expense lunatic! start several new threads and boast about how right you are and how your planetary alignments are science....(but remember, you still need to watch out for that explosive unpredictable behavior of Uranus....especially after bean meals! HAH!) Not that I will be wrong of course. You KNOW I will be correct. So there!

Remember lunatic, no matter how many times you say a foolish thing, and no matter how many people agree with is still a foolish thing.

-- Frothing at the mouth, spewing spittle, red in the face (and all from hysterical LAUGHTER, I might add!) debunker (!!!!!!!), August 01, 2000.

one more thing. You did indeed claim astrology as a science. at the top of this thread....TWICE.

Frank scores yet another one on you, lunatic. May I suggest you quit while you are behind?

-- Frothing at the mouth, spewing spittle, red in the face, rabidly slinking in the undergrowth debunker (!!!!!!!), August 01, 2000.

Frother - Predictions don't count unless you first make them *publically* for later verification, so for all practical purposes you haven't scored any points. Tsk, tsk.

Secondly, just because I wrote "scientific astrology" doesn't mean it's the main point of contention, but considering the rest of your illogical pap it doesn't surprise me that your reading comprehension and interpretive skills are so sadly lacking. The fact remains that the prediction I made back in early May for July 23rd was right on the mark and you just can't stand that I've proven MY point with actual data while you have nothing but empty words to offer in return.

Now if you really want to impress anybody with your blustering, why don't you go through each and every date mentioned in my predictive threads and point out specifically the ones that were right vs. the ones that were wrong. Then when you see that there are more accurate predictions than inaccurate ones, you can offer up YOUR apology too. This, of course, requires actual effort on your part and a willingness to change your world view once the final numbers come in. I doubt you're a big enough person to take on the challenge. But thanks for playing.....

I've more than proven MY point and have yet to see any hard data from the skeptics to prove theirs. So until they come up with something more than attacks and empty rhetoric, I'll be adjourning to play with the big kids. Thanks for the giggles and grins.

-- LunaC (, August 01, 2000.


I don't have anything to add to this thread, but I question why you're wasting your energy pursuing it. MANY people have SOME type of non-traditional belief, but we don't tend to FORCE it on others or allow our healing energy to be spent in vendettas.

-- Anita (, August 01, 2000.

Da Looney said she was leaving but I predict she'll keep it up.

-- BetMe (, August 01, 2000.

I must second what Anita said.....let go LunaC......some listen some don't.

What makes me laugh is that people are apparently using reason to not believe in astrology. But it is not about reason,, it is about being objective. Objectivity dictates that we must always listen regardless, and then look for evidence.

Of course it's much easier to not think about it.

-- Will (, August 02, 2000.

LunaC predictions *have* been more right than wrong. And why shouldn't she defend her position. Some of us believe in this, some of us don't. I think it makes for quite a good debate.

RE: Those 3 eclipes in July... Now I know why everything around here has been going nutz! Lightbulbs are blowing out *in every single lamp I own* The Car is breaking down every 10 days. My better-half has been walking around pissing and moaning about everything, which is completely against his character. And all my clients in July, turned into absolute cry babies having tantrums. By the end of July I was ready to pack it all up and move to Sacatchewan (sp?).

LunaC, good job. Keep it up!


-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith@fanof.LunaC), August 02, 2000.

heh! the conical star-n-moon hat wearing crystal fondlers are always good for a laugh! I know you like to get the last word so go ahead. If you think I am going to spend one minute on your lousy predictions, you are nuttier than I thought. If you had any intellectual integrity, you could admit that you are more wrong than right...your "predictions" are nothing more than ambiguos nonsense that only the fantasy-prone would fall for. But you don't, so you won't. I've dealt with your kind before, you are completely unwilling to listen to anything truthful, you only believe what falls into your preconcieved belief system.

Adios, loonies.

-- Done With ALL of You (but@thanks.for.the.laughs!), August 03, 2000.

Does $42,000 dollars profit in the stockmarket count??? $1754.00 so far this week? Paper trading the market is one thing,putting your money on the line is quite another!!!

-- market player (cashin@the, August 03, 2000.

heh. DOW approaching the 11,000 mark again, NASDAQ climbing near 4,000 as well. Did the "star and moon hat wearers" predict that as well?

-- heh (heh@heh.heh), August 10, 2000.


I didn't notice anything in July. Actually, my life was a little quieter than usual. No big fights, no drama at work, no family difficulties. In fact, we had a family reunion and it was remarkably conflict-free.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, August 10, 2000.

Heh - As a matter of fact, yes....

"Expect a nice uptick around August 6 as Mars (action) trines (benefits) Jupiter (luck, expansion)"

-- KeepingScore (, August 10, 2000.

Tarzan: You and I had quite a different July. (I'm so jealous!)

First, and I am completely serious, every single light bulb in my house and in my office blew up, one by one.

Then the Radiator on the van went Kaput; we paid $400.00 for a new one.

Then the muffler went on the car. Upwards of $300 to replace that.

The the clutch in the car broke off and fell to the floor. Another couple of hundred ($163, I think ;-)

Then the air conditioner in the shop started leaking water all over the $14,000 TimeSaver. (major ugh!) No time to fix, have to vacuum it out every few hours.

Then the VCR at home went Kaput.

The coffee maker want wacko and the only way to shut it off is to unplug it ;-)

Then (and I'm not exggerating (sp?) all this ;-) the oven, when set to 450 would only go to 200. Once I set it to 500 I got to 325. The back left burner also refuses to work.

The refridgerator left a puddle of water on the bottom shelf.

Next: The cylonoide (sp?) in the car went and the clutch assembly itself went bad. Cost to fix $815.00

All my clients were in the "I want it now...stomp, stomp, stomp" mode. Not like them at all.

Oh yes, and then I broke the key off in the car ignition and had to keep unconnecting the battery when I went into stores, so it wouldn't drain out. (It got stuck in the "on" position). Not too much to fix that, but my mechanic thinks I'm *this* side of crazy!!!

But, I suppose we all have those "streaks" (How's that for looking on the bright side, ey? :-)

I'm just glad it was that kind of stuff, instead of being sick or worse...!

So there you go... July 2000 in our lives. Hrumph... ;-)


-- Not now, not like this (, August 10, 2000.

Oh, Mar, please forgive me.....I could NOT stop laughing. I am SO sorry you had the month you did, and it's truly amazing that you look at it the way you do (I'm jealous -- I doubt I would have had the same sunny attitude you do).

And if I may add, IT'S AUGUST and JULY IS (FINALLY) OVER!!!

(Good luck this month ;-))

-- Patricia (, August 10, 2000.


That WAS funny! It's all relative, I suspect. YOUR bad day might be someone else's GOOD day. [How's THAT for positive thinking?

-- Anita (, August 10, 2000.

So what you are saying is, is that there was a time when it wasn't time to annoy Frank? I thought the entire purpose of this board was to annoy Frank, or have I been away too long?

-- Uncle Deedah (, August 10, 2000.

Unk-I have gotten with the program and did my part tonight to annoy frank-unfortunately he annoyed me first-LOL

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), August 11, 2000.

Listen people, its time to buy a clue! If this star/moon crap really worked, you could predict SPECIFIC stock movement the same you claim to predict the nasdaq or dow; with its "start date". You would beg borrow or steal the money to invest, because you actually believed what you were trying to convince others to believe in. The fact is you DON'T believe it, but STILL want to "proselytize" to get others to "believe"!

Try reading up on thought contagions. You are spreading mind virie.

-- Lucky Guesses (don't@mean.shit), August 11, 2000.

Patricia: Lol!

I know, after writing that list, I had to laugh myself! I'm just blaming it on the stars... No real reason, just feel like it ;-) And yes, Thank God it's August--whew!

Anita: That was a very good positive spin ;-) Tarzan even had a "conflict free" family reunion...How often does *that* happen! He must have been born under a different quantum reality or something!

Unk: Yes, you've been away toooooooo long! Stop enjoying yourself on the beach and get back here!


-- Not now, not like this (, August 11, 2000.

Hey Lucky:

You would be mortified, I am sure, to find out that many-MANY analysts and other banking executives regularly visit astrologers. I know more than a few banking executives personally who do, and I know a number of astrologers in New York City who have a very large percentage of "movers and shakers" as clients. Of course, few would admit this publically, but if you would do your own research, you would see a good number of astrological publications geared to the stockmarket.

It is a player in the market, astrology is, and I am sorry it is to your chagrin.

One more thing: Please post here any comments from Myself or Luna when we have EVER solicited business. Please also post those threads where we "proselytize" astrology-

"To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith."

That is the definition of proselytize I found at Please give a cogent argument for how either of us have done this. Please do not post threads out of context; from my memory, our comments in support of astrology have been predominantly uttered to counteract attacks from those who would try to show us as charlatans.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), August 11, 2000.

heh. you go, "crystal fondlers" (I **LUV** that one!) LOL, lol!

-- (they@re.funny), October 04, 2000.

hah hah hah.

-- (...@.....), February 15, 2001.

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