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David J. Krajicek is an award-winning journalist, former chief of the New York Daily News' six-person police bureau and an APBnews.com contributing editor. A former professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, he is the author of the 1998 book SCOOPED! Media Miss Real Story on Crime While Chasing Sex, Sleaze and Celebrities=


CRIME BEAT: The End Is Near for Y2K Hucksters

What to Do With the Leftover Potato Flakes and Pinto Beans? Dec. 8, 1999

By David J. Krajicek

Michael S. Hyatt - aka "Mr. Y2K" -- was kind enough to send Crime Beat three or four mass mailings in the past few weeks, lest we find ourselves short of cheese powder and textured vegetable protein as Armageddon draws nigh.

"I am concerned about your welfare," Hyatt wrote earnestly in one of his missives, a 30-page catalog of his various millennium-survival products cleverly disguised as a "magazine."

For the uninitiated, Hyatt was an obscure employee of a specialty publisher in Nashville, Tenn., who struck it rich by writing one of the early alarmist books about the millennium bug. For the past couple of years, he has been adding more and more titles to his personal Y2K catalog -- survival guides, a bad novel, videotapes and all sorts of special products for Christians, who for a time seemed especially susceptible to millennium fever.

Conveniently, Hyatt also introduced his own line of nonperishable foods.

Media critic, media hero

AP Michael S. Hyatt

Hyatt now says he is outraged that so many media weaklings have bought into the government spin that Y2K likely will be no big deal.

In his "magazine," he harangues the "traditional" media for its gullibility in parroting the government's Y2K optimism -- in short, that while there may be scattered computer-related problems, the authorities do not expect the sort of catastrophic failures that would prompt bands of marauders to break into storage bunkers and steal powdered milk.

But the same media that Hyatt harangues has been very good for his business. By his own count, he has done more than 650 media interviews about Y2K, and that hasn't hurt his sales of books and rolled oats.

Despite all this free publicity, Hyatt's sales pitches have grown ever more urgent; some say these dried-food purveyors find themselves with more potato flakes and pinto beans than they can get rid of with just a few weeks before Bug Day arrives.

As a hedge, Hyatt and other millennium Chicken Littles are now trying to milk Y2K even longer by pushing back the dates of predicted mayhem until later in the year.

These developments bring a wry smile to the face of Steve Hewitt, a quiet hero in the Y2K goofiness. Hewitt, editor-in-chief of the Missouri-based Christian Computing Magazine, has led an accountability campaign against media figures like Hyatt and Don McAlvany, a Colorado-based Y2K entrepreneur, who invoke God's name in selling millennium products.

McAlvany, who like Hyatt continues to hype the all-but-pass=E9 predictions o= f martial law and a financial collapse, has diversified into breathless screeds about soon-to-occur mass persecutions of Christians.

"I disagree with their message and question their motives," Hewitt tells Crime Beat. "They are continuing to play tricks by putting off the results of Y2K until the middle or end of next year. They hope we will forget their many predictions of events that are supposed to take place next month, and by seeking to prolong the fictitious events of Y2K in the fall of 2000, they hope they can slip quietly into the night."

A voice of Christian dissent

So far, Hewitt hasn't allowed that to happen. He has called Hyatt to task, for example, after his predictions of computer failures on April 1, 1999, and Sept. 9, 1999, failed to materialize.

And Hewitt deserves some credit for Jerry Falwell's remarkable Y2K turnaround. The television preacher recently pulled his $28 gloom-and-doom videotape off the market and disavowed his earlier comments that Christians should stockpile food, fuel and ammunition.

'See you on the other side'

Hewitt, a former pastor who has edited Christian Computing for 11 years, put himself and his magazine at financial risk last year when he took an editorial stand against the wacky Y2K predictions that had begun to overrun Christian radio programs, often based upon speeches by people -- like Hyatt and McAlvany -- who stood to profit from the panic they helped create.

Related Story The Biggest Y2K Fear: Scam Artists

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Fitting Legacy for J. Edgar Hoover?

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Hyatt's literature continues to pander to Christians with references to faith. (He writes in his magazine, "May the Lord watch over you and keep you. See you on the other side.") And McAlvany manages to close most of his sales pitches with scriptural quotations.

But Hewitt said most Christians no longer buy the hype, and many are offended by shameless attempts to capitalize upon faith.

"As I have traveled across the nation, pastors of all denominations have been grateful for my message of calm," Hewitt said. "Many of them were between a rock and a hard spot in trying to calm their congregations while their people were listening to the local Christian radio station and hearing a different story of fear and panic.

"Overall, most Christians have calmed down considerably," he added.

Happy New Year!

Hewitt said he would spend New Year's Eve at the magazine office, where he will host a live Internet broadcast.

Crime Beat is weighing options for the big night. One detail is certain: We will be wearing a sandwich board that reads:

Repent, Y2K Hucksters: The End Is Near.

David J. Krajicek is an award-winning journalist, former chief of the New York Daily News' six-person police bureau and an APBnews.com contributing editor. A former professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, he is the author of the 1998 book SCOOPED! Media Miss Real Story on Crime While Chasing Sex, Sleaze and Celebrities= (DKrajicek@aol.com).


-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 28, 2000


David J. Krockoshit is an award-winning journalist, former chief of the New York Daily News' six-person police bureau and an APBnews.com contributing editor. A former professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, he is the author of the 1998 book SCOOPED! Media Miss Real Story on Crime While Chasing Sex, Sleaze and Celebrities= (DKrockoshit@aol.com).

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 28, 2000.

Nemesis is an award-winning bowling ball cover weaver. He was formerly best known for wandering around gorcery store aimlessly asking "where is my dog, have you seen her?". His best known contribution to society is a mindless rant found on the Time Bomb 2000 Uncensored Spinoff Forum.

-- nemesis to the nemisis (he@dont.getit), June 28, 2000.

Nemi; The trick in eating crow is to pretend it tastes good.

-- huj (aw@h.n), June 28, 2000.

Link to mindless rant please?

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 28, 2000.

Link to mindless rant.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 28, 2000.

No need for a link, Nemisis...I submit to you that your first post above more than qualifies as a "mindless rant", your satire and humor nothwithstanding. Prior to the rollover, Doomers(TM) quickly pounced on fact based news stories with much belittlement and and knashing of teeth. Some people never learn it seems....

-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), June 28, 2000.

After reading this insightful and right about Y2K article from December 1999, I'd like to announce that I have just about decided that Micheal Hyatt was wrong about Y2K after all.

I demand that he come here and post an apology. And let us make rude raspberry noises at him, too. For maybe a week. Maybe more if it's really fun.

He owes a big apology to all those people he misled about Y2K by telling them things that were wrong about Y2K. Of course, all those people could have listened to cpr, who was right about Y2K. So, maybe we should make a rule that until they apologize to cpr for not listening to him, they don't get to hear Hyatt's apology to them.

That sounds about fair. What do you think, cpr?

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), June 28, 2000.

After reading this insightful and right about Y2K article from December 1999, I'd like to announce that I have just about decided that Micheal Hyatt was wrong about Y2K after all.

just about decided? When do you think you'll know for sure?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 28, 2000.

Hmm, I demand an apology for questioning Brian's testoterone level. Sure it might be lower than a '57 Edsel needing an oil change on a summer day, but this is Brian's personal forum after all.

-- mii (a@b.c), June 28, 2000.

Brian, Everyone was wrong about Y2k, except Charles P. Rueben, of Dallas Texas.... he is our God of truth and none of us had better forget it. I WAS WRONG !!! The worlds largest corps. and Nations were wrong, the banks were wrong, but charlie was right !!! I'd give anything to be right like creeper was, but I WAS WRONG !!!... oh, woa is me... I'm just dumb, stupid "trailer trash" so I can never reach the heights of the movers and shakers charlie moves in... I know I'm not worthy.

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), June 28, 2000.

I am NOT unsanitary!

-- (memesis@ftr.com), June 28, 2000.

>> When do you think you'll know for sure? <<

After being so wrong about Y2K, I'm not taking any more chances! I'll decide about Michael Hyatt just as soon as cpr tells me what he thinks on the subject. Outright. In plain words.

cpr? Your play!

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), June 29, 2000.


Sometimes I gnash my teeth but I never knash them.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 29, 2000.

Sometimes I gnash my teeth but I never knash them.

Even when you're eating a knish?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 29, 2000.

Is nobody outraged at the scam run by Hyatt and his cronies? Brian, give your cute rhetoric a short rest and tell us what you really think about Michael Hyatt. Was he purposely spreading FUD, under the guise of being a Christian leader, for financial gain? Or, was he just a poor mislead concerned citizen, hoping to save those in his flock?

This is a serious question and I ask you for a serious answer.

Netghost, weve always known that you are dumb, stupid "trailer trash" so whats new?

-- Ra (tion@l.1), June 29, 2000.

Who gives a rat's ass about Michael Hyatt? He is about the 34234th most important issue in the world right now. Can't we do better than discuss his ilk?

Mr CPR seems to think it is important to endlessly review this polyester nobody's role in a nonevent. Mr CPR is a very clever fellow. (I distinguish between "clever" and "intelligent". Intelligent people are concerned with important ideas, not trivial ones). Let's have a little pride folks.

Ra, you belittle "trailer trash". Isn't this equivelent to making a racist remark about (your minority group of choice here). Why is it PC to insult poor anglos but not anyone else?

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), June 29, 2000.

Lars you can rest assured that I have NEVER been politically correct and will not start now. IMO, discussing the activities of scumbags like Hyatt is VERY important. That is how we who have the intelligence to see through these charlatans will protect the comatose masses from being hoodwinked in the future. BTW, out of curiosity, where do you fit into this scenario?

-- Ra (tion@l.1), June 29, 2000.


Where do I fit? I dunno. I know I don't like the condescending 'tude of people like cpr and Andy Ray. I keep expecting Louis Polly's return to reinforce their odd vendetta.

I admit to having been concerned last year about the y2k thing. I was never a doomer or a FUDster and I do think it's useful to review what happened and why. But I don't see the value in going over this material ad nauseum especially when the people who are active here now are, for the most, not those who were the shrill voices at TB2000. CPR knows this and that is why he would rather be posting his material at EZ Board but he can't so he takes it out on us. He will destroy this place just because he can. He has the mentality of a vandal. I think it's pathetic.

It's a question of scale. A certain amount of his material is interesting and relevant. But he takes it too pathological extremes, IMO.

PC? Me neither. That's my point. It is now PC to insult southern whites and poor whites of Northern European descent but no other group. "Trailer trash" is a code word for people of the poor-white, rural persuasion. You wouldn't call someone a beaner, much less a spic or a chink (or even a Chinaman). I agree it's fun to look down at others and pretend to be superior. I do it myself. Let's just not deceive ourselves about what we are really doing.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), June 29, 2000.

Ra, you asked me exactly what I think of Michael Hyatt. I will oblige you.

The worst problem with Mr. Hyatt that I can recall off the top of my head was that he was so boring. I could never bring myself to read more than the first few sentances of anything he wrote.

I have a hard time deciding whether Mr. Hyatt was worse than Ed Yourdon, or maybe just about the same as Jim Lord. Jim Lord was boring for a short, concentrated burst of inanity. Ed Yourdon was moderately interesting, and easier to like than Jim Lord or Mr. Hyatt, which earned him points in my book.

Mr. Hyatt was just unremittingly boring at all times, but he faded into the background, kind of like wallpaper. Easy to ignore, bland wallpaper.

Mr. Hyatt was definitely better than Gary North, but don't ask me why. Everybody, it seems, agrees that Gary North is the worst of the lot and I am content to go along with their judgment on this. I paid very little attention to Mr. North and continue stubbornly to do so even now.

The next worst problem with Mr. Hyatt was that he sold things to people. I hate sales calls during dinner for the pure and simple reason that I don't WANT to buy the things that people try to sell me. Mr. Hyatt never called me during dinner (or any other time, for that matter). This made him much more pleasant company than those telephone solicitors, but still the fact that he sold stuff made him irksome, provided you read far enough to get to the sales pitch, which I never did. But you can always tell a pitch is coming, if your nose is well-attuned.

There is a very old Latin saying: caveat canis, meaning "beware of the dog". This saying was followed shortly by an even more modern Latin saying,caveat emptor, meaning "let the buyer beware".

I think this is good advice when dealing with sales people. It was enunciated to me early in life by people who were concerned with teaching me the wisdom I would need as an adult. Somehow, they were able to convey this complex idea to me without requiring Michael Hyatt, Gary North or Ed Yourdon as examples of what I needed to beware of. Other examples were available at the time. As an adult, I no longer need further examples. Just as I am no longer in need of new examples of human stupidity in order to grasp its boundless potential.

Before the CDC, Michael Hyatt was a salesman with a shaky, weak, debateable theory about the effects of Y2K. Since the CDC, he has been a salesman with a purely wrong theory about Y2K. The debate is over.

Hyatt is now, officially, a fish in a barrel. cpr is a man with a rifle. It just amazes me that you find that shooting fish in a barrel constitutes a "very important" occupation. I find the occupation boring.

But what really amazes me is that cpr keeps aiming his bullets at a barrel where his fish don't live. What does he expect to hit? I suspect that he just likes the noise of the rifle.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), June 29, 2000.


My I include a response to your question?

I mentioned previously that I'd spent about 15 minutes on Gary North's site before I decided the guy was nuts. HALF of this 15 minutes was spent reading the "Programmer" responses. I figured the programmers must be saying something different. Nope. ALL I saw were lengthy responses regarding rapture and other religious- oriented diatribes. I don't object to folks discussing their religion, but what did that have to do with Y2k?

When I visited Michael Hyatt's site, I saw the same sortof thing. IMO, the folks who were snookered by these two were looking for confirmation of their belief that rapture was near and Y2k would be the catalyst. On Hyatt's site, if someone disputed the opinion that rapture was near, they were banned, and everyone agreed with the ban.

Yeah, I'm over-generalizing on both sites, but I never spent enough time there to find a conversation that didn't include mention of either the end-time or religion. I spent quite a bit of time on other Y2k sites, and if someone came in trying to link religion to Y2k, they were quickly told that religion had NOTHING to do with a computer problem.

As far as Hyatt himself, what qualifications did he have to even SPEAK on Y2k? At least Yourdon had some programming background.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), June 29, 2000.

I have had titillating and penetrating experiences at some of Hyatt's motels.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 29, 2000.

Attn: Brian Fawning Dog and the rest of the Magpies,

This is not a minor game that either Andy Ray, myself or other Anti- Doomers are amusing ourselves with.

YOU. Yes, YOU. are the "Fish in the Barrel". Not Hyatt. You and the rest of the remaining *deniers* refuse to believe that YOU, YES, YOU, were influenced by the drivel that came from a few sources and you were innoculated and brainwashed at THIRD AND FOURTH HAND.

The *classic victims* of this BULL SHIT were the 2nd and 3rd tier players like Mark Frautschi and Paula Gordon who took seriously, the words of Dr. DooDoo Carmichael (Socialist in disguise) and Yourdon (peddler of a Y2k COMIC BOOK FANTASY named TB 2000).

It was as Aaron Lynch suggests EVER SO CORRECTLY: a THOUGHT CONTAGION.

YOU .......it seems are both TOO POMPOUS AND TOO STUPID to get the message.

In such cases, THE ***ROTE METHOD*** WORKS BEST.


-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 29, 2000.


This is not a minor game that either Andy Ray, myself or other Anti- Doomers are amusing ourselves with.

Kind of looks like that to an outsider.

YOU. Yes, YOU. are the "Fish in the Barrel". Not Hyatt. You and the rest of the remaining *deniers* refuse to believe that YOU, YES, YOU, were influenced by the drivel that came from a few sources and you were innoculated and brainwashed at THIRD AND FOURTH HAND.

Seems to include me since I am one of them. I'm not sure why. Is it because of my race or ethnic group. Or is it some other reason. I know that you Tejas folks are complicated people. I guess it is because I never read North's site or bought anything from Hyatt or Min. Smith and others. It could be because I ridiculed Heller [you two seem to be close]. Maybe you are offended because of my argument with Yourdon. Of course not, that was all deleted. Oh now I remember. Flint and I had this argument on the ol'board. I contended that the rapid replacement of unreliable software to combat Y2K was a Y2K problem and a bigger problem than leaving the old software. Flint didn't agree. That must be it since I didn't prepare anything. Then I didn't oppose many people. I am not al-d. Yes it is a minor problem; except for some of the folks on other boards; you aren't going to change their minds anyway. I will continue to search for the reason that I am in a barrel; we ol'cobol programmers take some time.

PS: a little knowledge of Java

-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), June 29, 2000.


Please note that should have read; a little knowledge of Java is dangerous. Also note that I [and most of this board] have a lot of respect for Brian. If you keep up your personal attacks you will eventually meet resistance. I said this to Ray [totacc or tojam or whatever] on the old board. He came back with a violent response and threats. He learned. We ol' cobol fools may be slow but we do know how to do things.

Best wishes,,,

-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), June 29, 2000.

One final note [since I will be leaving town again and going to Tejas where they don't even have lectricity let alone puters]:

Learn to close your damned tags.


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), June 29, 2000.


[e-mail me about the 90 before you go to Texas] Sorry, but he is a hard person to find.

My comment. CPR you aren't making many friends in Puget Sound with your attacks on Brian.


-- Gregor (Gregor@yahoo.com), June 29, 2000.

WHO CARES? Do you really think after all the flack I've taken for years what you people think of me matters ONE SINGLE IOTA? GET REAL.

I'm making a statement that YOU, and the rest of your Chattering Magpies along with the RING LEADERS OF Y2k FEAR AND FUD....are **NOT** going to "rationalize", "generalize" or REVISE HISTORY so that you can BULL SHIT OTHERS THAT **YOU** DID THE "RIGHT THING** allowing yourselves to be **HOOD WINKED** OVER A COMPUTER DATE /BUSINESS PROBLEM.

And 10 years from now, there will probably be 50 books and 1,000s of Academic papers that will say the same thing.


-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 29, 2000.

>> YOU. Yes, YOU. are the "Fish in the Barrel". Not Hyatt. <<

Man, this takes the cake. Every time you fire off a bunch of Gary North's blather, or some reporter's jab at Michael Hyatt, I'm supposed to be wounded! Priceless!

>> You and the rest of the remaining *deniers* refuse to believe that YOU, YES, YOU, were influenced by the drivel that came from a few sources and you were innoculated and brainwashed at THIRD AND FOURTH HAND. <<

I don't "refuse to believe" any such thing. I don't have any problem saying that I might have been influenced by Hyatt at third or fourth hand, because I really don't know if this is true or not. I wager I will never know if this is true or not. Nor will you ever know if this is true or not. It is unprovable.

So I why would I refuse to believe it? Or refuse to disbelieve it?

My father, when I was young, used to claim he'd "shook the hand that shook the hand ... that shook the hand of Abraham Lincoln." Add enough hands into that chain and it becomes a believable claim, but hardly a verifiable one.

This most recent claim of yours is similar. Further, I have no inkling why the state of my belief or disbelief on such a trivial matter inspires such passion in you.

But, I am going to give you exactly what you claim to want. Even though, once you have it, you will no doubt claim that what you really want is some other silly thing, like admitting that Y2K has left me impotent, or blind, or with a chronic cough that can be traced directly to Jim Lord. You're as full of self-deception about your foolishness as any doomer ever was.

But here goes nothing, as they say.

cpr, your posts have persuaded me. Not only was I wrong about Y2K, but the reason I was wrong was because I was brainwashed at third or fourth hand by people like Michael Hyatt and Gary North. You see? I admit it. I do not refuse to believe it.

It was all their fault, and I was their pitiful dupe. I know that now! Thanks to your ceaseless efforts to persuade me into the light. I accept your theory about the source of my being wrong about Y2K without reservation. Fourth hand brainwashing! Brilliant! It explains so much! Everything is so much simpler now.

Now let me tell exactly you why I accepted your theory, so you will know that my conversion is complete and reliable.

I believe your theory because believing it or not believing it won't make any difference to anybody about anything, from now until doomsday. Except maybe to you, cpr.

Life is full of mystery, isn't it.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), June 29, 2000.

>> Do you really think after all the flack I've taken for years what you people think of me matters ONE SINGLE IOTA? GET REAL. <<

cpr, you have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are impervious to everything that has been thrown at you.

Impervious to name-calling. Impervious to taunts. Impervious to argument. Impervious to reason. Impervious to appearing ridiculous. Impervious to shame.

Nothing has ever penetrated. I am not so silly as to tink anything ever will. You are a rock. With all the good and bad that comes with it.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), June 29, 2000.

Lars, Louis Polly, regardless of what he has ever proclaimed, has never left us. The number of different handles he has used is well into the two figures.

-- How Sad that (hewill@never.leave), June 29, 2000.

I have no problem with a lurking Louis or a posting Polly. The more the merrier. But based on 1999 impressions I wouldn't be shocked to see him make common cause with the butt-buddies in their efforts to destroy this forum. I hope I am wrong.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), June 29, 2000.


Yep, that is the problem. You have lost touch with reality. You think that what you say on this forum will be important. It will be ignored in the future. It doesn't matter.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), June 29, 2000.

"And 10 years from now, there will probably be 50 books and 1,000s of Academic papers that will say the same thing."

Ah, he's merely cresting the wave of the FUD of FUD.

Hang ten, dude...

-- flora (***@__._), June 30, 2000.


How did you become converted from a concern about the 'bug', into a missionary for Aaron Lynch's theory?

Does Mr., or Dr. Lynch condone your chosen course of action?

Considering your obsession with ethics and morals, I would appreciate it if you'd take the time to answer these questions.

-- flora (***@__._), June 30, 2000.

Aaron Lynch has not completed his work on the Y2k Thought Contagion nor has the Ctr. for Mille. Studies.

You may be sure that the choicest of examples from TB I, Hyatt-ski's Emporium, GN's documents and even here have been made available to them and many others.

Keep it up. If you are lucky, maybe you will be another foot note to history. VS. me. I don't particularly care.

It is satisfying enough to know that Yourdon and North, Hyatt and Lord do indeed care. So much so that EY even posted to TB I that "my reputation is very important to me".


-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), June 30, 2000.

"Keep it up. If you are lucky, maybe you will be another foot note to history. VS. me."

Like I had to tell Bongo earlier today - Stop it, you're gonna make my head swell.

-- flora (***@__._), June 30, 2000.


Spoken as though this individual actually believes he is God Almighty. There's those delusions of grandeur again, manifestations of the neurosis of a very insecure ego attempting to compensate for a total lack of any real self-esteem.

Poor guy probably cries himself to sleep every night in utter loneliness, then gets up every morning to post big bold words on the Internet because this is a close as he can get to feeling powerful.

Classic manic-depressive schizophrenic behavior patterns. Without help this individual with eventually commit suicide or go on a postal rampage and end up in jail like Mike Tyson. These types of cases have such an underveloped intellectual capability that they cannot process the daily stresses of life in a healthy manner, and eventually suffer increasingly severe breakdowns, ultimately rendering them completely insane.

-- cyber freud (cpr@dangerous.type), July 01, 2000.

No one would miss the pathetic loser CPR if he committed suicide, but he doesn't have the guts. He is such a worthless scum that he would rather stay around and annoy everyone with his insane ramblings than spare the world from his neurosis and die like a man.

-- cpr (is@worthless.trash), July 02, 2000.

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