i made an offer to settle.right or wrong?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

eversheds wrote telling me abbey were willing to accept £5800 in settlement.they might as well be asking for £5,000,000.wrote telling them im on anti depressants and high blood pressure tablets since the repo some 7 years ago.told them to save them trying to prove my liability and me asking them to prove their claim,and that i didnt want a long drawn out affair that could affect my health further,i was willing to offer £500 in an ex gratia goodwill offer of f&f settlement of the case.what r my chances of them accepting?i have no assets at all,ie no car and am renting property,so taking me to court would be pointless

-- mark holmes (jyorkshirespice@aol.com), March 14, 2005



I hope you made it clear you were not admitting liability....It's hard to say what they will do. But it has happened before in that they have settled for a similiar amount against a similiar shortfall. the fact that you have no assets is a bonus. All you can do now is wait and see and if you're any good at praying or know someone else who is.....get them to light a few candles as well. I'll say one for you anyway.

I really hope they accept it and wish you all the best!!!

Let me know how it goes.


-- MoirA (Anderston828@aol.com), March 15, 2005.

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