MVAugusta wheels : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I need a front wheel for my MV Augusta F4SR,and probably a rear wheel. If anybody can help I would appreciate a call 0412 691 238. Regards,


-- Gary Cardwell (, March 07, 2005


hi there ,check out ebay there is front and rear for sale but are bronze.cheers

-- adrian salvo (, March 07, 2005.

Hi Gary:

I have a brand new front and rear SPR wheel for sale, but I am in the United States...


-- Todd Martin (, March 07, 2005.

Where on ebay did you see wheels, can not find them at the moment?

-- hb (, March 07, 2005.

Gary, I have a good used front wheel without the bearings. I am in the US. email me if you are interested.

-- Cali-Kane (, March 07, 2005.

look at under "mv agusta" page 3 they are there.cheers

-- adrian (, March 08, 2005.

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