Brand new Pit Bull rear stand for Brutale, F4, or? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

This is a brand new stand in perfect condition. Used twice. I bought it for my MV Agusta Brutale, but then totaled the bike. This stand will fit Ducatis, Hondas, MV Agustas and Triumphs with single-sided swingarms. You will need to buy a new PIN to fit anything other than an MV Agusta. The pins are anywhere between $7 and $12. Cost me originally $160. Sell for $120. Due to shipping costs, it would be best if buyer be in Southern California, LA/San Diego areas. Email or call: 310-433-9194.

-- Chris Caines (, March 03, 2005


Hello, good to you how is your family hope they are all fine..... so i will like to made a request about your (Brand new Pit Bull rear stand )inwhich am intresting in buying so kindly give the lasp price of it asap......

-- owo (, March 04, 2005.

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