What should I do?greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
I want to go to a Rave, but I don't know what i should do. Should I try to dress the part or just go and have fun? What do you at a Rave besides dance and what kind of places do Raves happen at?
-- Anonymous, February 28, 2005
just go and have fun. it doesn't really matter what your style is. there are different types of people at raves. you have kandi kids, kids that dress preppy, i have even seen goth. just be yourself and have fun.
-- Anonymous, February 28, 2005
Baby Doll is right, I think people who dress up are just trying to fit in. Be your self and have a kick ass time.
-- Anonymous, March 02, 2005
Victoria, the best thing about the electronic music scene is that it attracts so many different types of people. I dont think i have ever gone to a party and not met at least a few people i thought were cool enough to hang out with again. Raves and parties are usually just a bunch of people lookin to have some fun, lookin to listen to some kick ass music LOUD and dance. If you dig the music its hard not to fit in. If you are lookin for some events in your area, theres tons of them listed and updated daily on www.carolinaspins.com and when you go to one of the events pick up every flyer you can find and stash them away so you can find out whatelse is goin on next time you want to go out.
-- Anonymous, March 03, 2005