4 SALE RG3 /CHIP CARBON-airtubes/huggers./ +

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

SELLING FROM AUSTRALIA QLD in Aust. dollars rg3/chip $1600 C/F hugger QB x1 hugger Casoli x1 new $280each airtubes thmb res. Casoli $900pair lower chainguard $70 all is in perfect condition RING 073284 7886/ fax 07 32849883. email thanks Leif

-- Leif (1@bigfoot.com.au), February 26, 2005


hi there from melbourne intrested in rg3 pipe and chip ,can you give some more infomation please.E.g are they new or scnds ,polished or aniodised, will they suit f4 sr. cheers

-- adrian salvo (adriansalvo@hotmail.com), March 01, 2005.

I am interested in the exhaust, is it still for sale?

-- Stuart Cowie (stuart.cowie@redbullracing.com), March 01, 2005.

RG3at the moment yes for sale they are used* -than 3k klm * tobaco colour

-- L;eif (1@bigfoot.com.au), March 01, 2005.

why are you selling these. are air tubes covers that require cutting of plastic current tubes.

-- errol meulen (meulen1@optusnet.com), March 04, 2005.

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