Better grips for the F4 : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi there,

are there any grips for the MV F4 that are more shock absorbent? or maybe dampen the vibration a little better?

I bought some std sportbike grips at Cycle Gear, but they don't appear to fit over the throttle assembly of the F4.

Can anyone recommend something?

Thanks !

-- Issimo (, February 23, 2005


call this name is jerry {d for danger}finley..You cant make this stuff up.....this guy can help you. hes got the same needs....

-- "daily driver" (,nt), February 26, 2005.

I use the Pro Grip Gel, model 771 or 778 or something like that. They have an octopus pattern, soft gel, dampens out the vibrations really well. I have used them on all my bikes.

They are a motocross/dual sport kind of grip, only open on one end. You just cut the end off where your bar end weight or throttle meister would reside. Most stores sell them for around $ 8-9 a set. I have large hands, long fingers and the stock MV grips were soo uncomfortable. These are a bigger diameter and they really work.

-- James Branch (, March 04, 2005.

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