A must read to all MV Agusta Enthusiasts!!!!! Castiglioni interview!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Check this out! there are so many new things to know from Castiglioni regarding the future of MV! Such as Valuentino Rossi on the MV Agusta MotoGP?!!! Plus in the Milan Show in November, MV Agusta will introduce a new model, behold: a limited-edition F4 1000 Corsa! So read on please. Check this out at: http://www.cagivausa.com/Media/CN/cn_020905.pdf

Hope all you guys read this and tell it to our fellow MV owners..

enjoy... CIAO! =)

-- gucci zialcita (gucci_f4@yahoo.co.uk), February 19, 2005

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