
greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

I found some more pills Cheap at that www.rxmedsource.eu.kz I,ve tried them out for the Viagra WoW that stuff is wild I dropped out of the scence about 4 years now in Tampa when the Studio or cream the Old HammerJax was the shiyt except when we had to close earlier then normal I'm sure ever party goer has had to file out the club because the city found something to complain about. Ever thing's all cool till some dick comes trotting over on a big ass horse and everone has to get back inside and donut man\woman feels left out and calls for the other stuper troopers asnd maybe a fire marshall to call some fire violations and everyone loses money because dick head has a horse and the horse is to big to fit in the doors so they have to stay outside while we are spending are weekend chillin their pissed because they have to wear a dorky suit

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2005


what the fuck are you trying to say?

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2005

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