radiator capacitygreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
how much coolant will the radiators hold? how many quarts? Thanks for the help.
-- Robert Noceti (noceti@gmail.com), January 13, 2005
Yo! I think there is a sign there where it shows a "low" and "full" on the side of the container. Please check.Cheers to all of us & welcome 2005! Happy safe riding to everybody . . .
-- AJ Adiviso (adiviso@hotmail.com), January 13, 2005.
As I recall it is between 2 & 3 quarts. Make Sure if you are doing this, to fill it up, air bleed the system, run it for a few minutes and then recheck it. Most of the time it will self level so don't try to force it to remain at the full line.
-- Kane Brechlin (mvagusta@sbcglobal.net), January 14, 2005.
For dual rad bikes it's actually closer to 3.2 quart(3 liters) to bring the level to the min line which is what you want. To assist in removing air pockets you can straddle the bike and shift it from side to side a few times, add more fluid and repeat until at min level. Afterwards, start her up and bring to temp and recheck.Take Care,
-- Todd G. Mazzola (tmazzola@doncasters.com), January 14, 2005.