Is there a close spray can silver for the MV silver. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

after months of searching i have bought another side in fill pannel, to replace one that fell of. My question is this, i have already got the MV paint code number, but is there a car paint spray can that is the same colour as the MV silver as found on the F4s. for egsample Silverfox (ford), silverbirch (GMC) ect, ect. It would be much easyer just to get the can. Thanks for any help.

-- brandon (, January 07, 2005


Hello, I have a Subaru Forester. The colour is very close to my MV silver. I think its called Premium Silver. It is also the same as the WRX silver. In Australia, I know that I can get a paint colour mixed & then it is put into an aerosol can. You may want to check with auto paint shops in your area. Also if you dont already know, you need to clear coat the silver. Regards

-- Fiorello Galluzzo (, January 07, 2005.

brandon I can tell you the colour of the paint you are looking for is called arctic silver.I had a side panel repainted and obtained the the paint from a firm in bury.Don't know what the firm are called,But I can try and find out if you don't get fixed up vic goll

-- vic goll (, January 08, 2005.

Thanks very much for your responces, thats great.

-- brandon (, January 08, 2005.

You might want to take the paint code to an automotive paint distributor or autobody supply shop (not a body repair shop!). Most can custom mix or cross reference the paint code that you provide, and in many cases, can load that custom paint into a spray can.

-- Robert Walter (, January 30, 2005.

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