anyway : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

i'm leaving

-- ~*AnGELGOTeN*~ (, January 06, 2005


as if im going to disneyland

-- ~*AnGELGOTeN*~ (, January 06, 2005.

disney WORLD?

-- Pearson (, January 06, 2005.

Bon voyage

-- Andy Tsao (, January 06, 2005.

i know it was a figure of speech i was joking

adios =P

-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 06, 2005.

i have to wait to talk to SG2 and )v(\/ before i leave..

-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 07, 2005.

Where are you going??? Why are you leaving. you can't. Not now. Not when I almost have ADSL again.

Please email me.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, January 07, 2005.

you almost have ADSL again?!?! wooo ^___^

-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 08, 2005.

Yeah, I have it now. Just hope I dont mess up and reach the bloody cap again like last time.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, January 14, 2005. if you're able to stay for good maybe I'll stay for good too, I dunno. I'm always changing my mind, lol...

-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 14, 2005.

Well, hopefully I'll stay for good.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, January 14, 2005.

hopefully you do cause you and a few other people are the only reasons I'm staying >__<" but GOTENNNY IS CUUUTE!! I LOVE GOTEN!

-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 17, 2005.

like who :P

-- shortstop (, January 17, 2005.

I dunno who do you think?

-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 23, 2005.

Well, I'm pretty sure its not you.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, January 23, 2005.


-- ~*AngelGoten*~ (, January 28, 2005.

BUt I'm also having the urge to leave this place. It will just never be the same place I was a year ago.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, February 02, 2005.

)v(ajin\/egita what do u have against me )v(ajin\/egita

-- shortstop (, February 02, 2005.

I don't have something against you. Well, actually, it was the rude way you were spamming everywhere. If you're gonna spam, at least be nice to people about it.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, February 03, 2005.

when was i being mean to people while spaming

-- shortstop (, March 12, 2005.

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