Midtown Kawasaki Sucksgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I purchased my MV from these guys in Rocky Hill, CT. And now they are no longer going to do any of the warranty repairs like replace the swingarm that had battery acid leak all over it because the mechanic forgot to push the battery caps in all the way, or replace the rear wheel nut that they didn't have the proper socket for so they tightened it down with a pipe wrench, ow yeah you need to remove the locking clip from the nut before you wrench it down to torque spec... Now that I have vented my disapointment with this terrible business hopefully no others will fall victim to their crappy work..
-- Gil Page (gilwpage@netscape.net), January 05, 2005
The service is the same crap over here. You expect the guys to be awfully good, after all you are buying "the Ferrari of the bikes" and you end up getting the Lada of the service. No offence intended for the Lada people. Castaglioni shoul do something about it.
-- (chanocoronil@hotmail.com), January 05, 2005.
Our bikes demand respect. Castaglioni needs to bust some balls out there. The service center's that undertake work on these bikes need to be factory trained and not just have the importer recommendation stamp of approval.Find a service center that you have word of mouth recommendation.
You never lend your MV Agusta, your tools and your wife, because they always come back f****d.
-- BillyG (billyg@netspace.net.au), January 06, 2005.
The only time I got some profesional help with sorting out my F4 it ended up costing me 5 times the comercial rate and 10 times what it would be if I did it myself. It just reminded me why I've been doing all my own work for the last 20 years.
-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), January 06, 2005.
Sounds like you had some real hacks working on your bike. Too bad the quality of some dealers is so poor. With MV dealers so far and few between, it really doesn't leave many options.
-- Kenny Nash (nashmachinery@sbcglobal.net), January 07, 2005.
I live in Mass and have been taking my F4 to Eastern Cycle in Beverly. I've had it about 3 years now, it has about 9k on it. They have performed a few services on it and replaced the tires once, all without any hitches.
-- A. Nut (agustanut@hotmail.com), January 13, 2005.