LOTR Concerning Hobbits in .Sib formatgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
I'm trying to get the LOTR Concerning Hobbits sheet music score since long ago and I have only found ridiculous comercial versions for piano & violin or piano & flute, etc, but not the whole orchestral score. The best thing I got is a great MIDI file that is an orchestral version with several instruments, incluiding the originals flute an violin and many others. But it is imposible to set it in a coherent .sib (Sibelius software) format. Could anybody help me by sending me any score, sib file or something. I have several sheet music partitas that he/she could be interested in, too.Thanks in advance
-- Gustavo (coprolalio@hotmail.com), December 16, 2004