new canon digital rebel defective : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

i purchased a new canon digital rebel and during the 21 days i owned it, it shut down three times until finally it would not turn on at all. i returned it to the shop i bought it from and they said it was defective, but could not exchange or refund my money. sent to repair and now they're saying it's a "fuse problem" is this possible? i am fighting this thing to the end, but why would a brand new camera have such a problem> any technical person that can help me with an answer, I would appreciate!

-- andrea hersey (, December 03, 2004


Canon has a 1 yr from date of purchase warranty for the digital rebel. Just call Canon customer service and ask for tech support. They will document the problem and tell you where to send it for warranty repair. I had a lens problem and they turned it around in less than 2 wks. All I had to do was pay the shipping to get it there.

-- Liz Masoner (, January 10, 2005.

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