converting to vcd (dat) format : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi All I had tried to burn .dat file using Nero but it gave me the message as the format is not vcd complaint and when it started converting it took a lot of time(hrs) to convert a 750 mb file

i want to know whether there are .dat file which can be played on vcd players but cannot be burn or needs to be converted

which are the softwares for converting to make .dat complaint files that can be burn easily and be played on vcd players

-- ravi (, December 01, 2004


There are some DVD players out there that will play almost any type of MPEG-1 video, even if it doesn't fit the VCD specifications exactly.

I would suggest getting a copy of Tsunami MPEG Encoder to re-do your files. Search Google for TMPGENC and you'll find it. It's a little difficult to learn, but produces good results. And, it's free for MPEG-1 (VCD) video.

-- Bryan (, December 02, 2004.

YES THIS IS MY PROBLEM THAT AGAIN: Hi All I had tried to burn .dat file using Nero but it gave me the message as the format is not vcd complaint and when it started converting it took a lot of time(hrs) to convert a 750 mb file

-- HAMADA NADY (HAMADANADY_610@YAHOO.COM), December 27, 2004.

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