Fitting Silmotor exhausts : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi all,

I am busy fitting a set of Silmotor/FBF exhausts and I am having a bit of a problem getting the exhaust clamps to properly line up the pipes and keep them in position. Does anyone have any experience in fitting these items and if so could you pass on some advice.

Many thanks,

-- Richard Burnett (, November 30, 2004


I found that I had to reverse the aluminium hangers which normally attach to mv OEM exhaust to get them to fit clamps better but I NEVER got the 4 pipes to stay level.

-- daryl yemm (, December 01, 2004.

Same here, alot of hassle, pipes never lined up properly....annoyed me that much I sold them and went for the Casoli mod !

-- (, December 02, 2004.

YIP a real problem! Only solution I found was to slot the holes in the clamp brackets to allow a bit of adjustment even then they dont align 100%. But at least to the extent where nobody would notice except you!!

-- David Gardner (, December 13, 2004.

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