DC Raves

greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

Me and my friends are looking for raves in the DC/Baltimore area. Were tired of the weak ass club scene and need an actual rave. Drop me a line if anyone has any info about that.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2004


Hey im looking for some good raves in the DC area myself.. if you get any info can you let me know? Havent been to a good rave in forever! Thanx.


-- Anonymous, December 09, 2004

Have you gone to Nation on Fridays? It has one of the best rave scenes in the country. Has been voted the best scene by readers of URB magazine for several years. Its web sight is buzzdc.com


-- Anonymous, December 17, 2004

We've been lookin' for a good scene out in DC as well.. Not the club scene, nothing against Nation, but a real rave. We moved from Seattle and have been feigning for a good underground party. Does the scene even exist out here?

Any help would be appreciated...


-- Anonymous, December 22, 2004

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