power commander / wct chipgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
i already have a pc usb 04 on my spr is it redundant to add a wct chip ? or will it help...
-- kingtut73 (courtlandamala@comcast.net), November 24, 2004
my bad i meant rg3 chip
-- kingtut73 (courtlandamala@comcast.net), November 25, 2004.
Hey King, Spend the time getting the Power Commander dialled in on a dyno. That will see your best reult. Brett
-- Brett (bfitzpatrick@psm.net .au), November 25, 2004.
I have been asking same question for a few months now and no one has been able to answer it. This is what I know so far: 1). PCIII only capable of adjusting fuelling. 2). Chips control whole host of parameters such as ignition, timing, etc as well as fuelling. Therefore, by fitting an uprated chip (e.g. RG3, WCT, etc.) which will have different parameters and settings to the original chip would the PCIII & dyno session produce different results to the standard chip and PCIII + dyno session? By the way what chip does the SPR come with as standard? Are you sure that an RG3 or WCT would in fact be an upgrade to what you already have on there?
-- Takis Markatos (loms-ltd@ntlworld.com), November 25, 2004.
thats the question i want to know. the pc3 is dialed in but yes im gonna take it to another person to get it where i want it.which is the reason why i would like to know would the rg3 chip help or not make a difference at all
-- kingtut73 (courtlandamala@comcast.net), November 26, 2004.
If u get an answer i would very much like to know as well. Thanks and good luck.
-- Takis Markatos (loms-ltd@ntlworld.com), November 27, 2004.