DETECTIVE CONAN: EPISODE 49 AND 50 : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

Can anyone tell me where I can download Episdoe 49 and 50(The episodes that Heiji appears in)of Detective Conan. I tried the one at but the file is way to big in my opinion. I'm looking for an website that has those episodes in seperate downloads or a website with those two in one download. Please help tell me if you know! (Same question for the move Countdown to Heaven)

-- Shawaazu (, November 14, 2004


Best place to look for everything related to Detective Conan is , But you MUST be a member there to be able to download, unfortunatly Registration is now closed.

-- Rare Element (, November 15, 2004. is great! They've been updating a lot lately & they should have Detective Conan up to episode 58.

-- Dragon LeHeart (, November 18, 2004.

How come I can't download it? I click on "Download File" and nothing happened. :(

-- Shawaazu (, November 18, 2004.

Opps. Nevermind!^_^

-- Shawaazu (, November 19, 2004.

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