unknown anime substance

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

you know that show "malcolm in the middle", yeah well in the opening theme song they show clips of tv shows and stuff, and they show a second or two of anime. anyone know what that anime is?

-- me (danhero1@yahoo.com), November 12, 2004


The anime that is shown in the "Malcolm in the Middle" opening is called Nazca. It's a short series; only having 12 episodes and consideres an Ova (why, I don't know). But here is a discription I found for it: Nearly 500 years ago, a bloody civil war erupts within the Inca Empire. The losing side decides to unleash a mystical weapon of awesome power that almost destroys the entire Earth.

Now in present day Japan, Kyoji Miura discovers that he is the reincarnated soul of an ancient Inca warrior. But Kyoji is not alone. His friend and teacher, Tate, is also a reincarnated Inca soul.

But Tate has decided to unleash this ancient weapon of total destruction once again. Now Kyoji must journey halfway around the world to discover the secret to his own past and fight against his closest friend, to save his and everyone's future.


-- Sun (c_b_is_asun@yahoo.com), November 20, 2004.

Jikuu Tenshou Nazca is the show's complete name

-- Sun (c_b_is_asun@yahoo.com), November 20, 2004.

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