Dash Failure - Fixed

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread


I put up a post a week or so ago about the dash in my '02 failing, thought you might like to know what the problem was.

First up the Autralian Importer Paul Feeney and the service crew Sam and Ashley were a huge help even though they are 2000km from where I live. Service and assistance from these guys was top.

Next up the cost of a new MV Dash here in Aus is $3,500. So you don't want to break one!!

After much looking, prodding and poking I used an enlarging photo copier to blow the wiring diagram up by about 500% (so I could read it) and went about tracing every wire that went into the dash looking for a failure point.

Turns out after much mucking around that Fuse C3 provides power to the dash (a Violet & white lead). This fuse is however listed as park lights, speedo sensor & fuel tank probe (no clue that it runs power to the dash).

Checked the fuse and sure enough blown..... A lot of effort for a little fix.

Thanks Darryn

-- Darryn Webster (dwebster@lexicon.net), November 11, 2004


Nice one mate, good to know. I guess the AUS$3500 was incentive enough!

-- Takis Markatos (loms-ltd@ntlworld.com), November 11, 2004.

about the wiring diagram, look here:

http://de.f1.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/rolf4s/lst?.dir=/Schaltplan&.or der=&.view=l&.src=bc&.done=http%3a//de.f1.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/

Its a zip.file with the diagram.


-- Roland (rolf4smail-1@yahoo.de), November 12, 2004.

Darryn Is there a reason that the fuse blew in the first place??, or just vibration etc. Cheers Dave.

-- Dave (martek@ntlworld.com), November 12, 2004.

Thanks for sharing the info!

-- jon-jon (jpolicarpio@hotmail.com), November 12, 2004.

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