Fuel Pump Failure

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi, My Brutale fuel pump failed today.Lucky me it did not fail on the road.I was just about to take it out for a spin today and the bike simply won't start.The fuse is alright.There was absolutely no fuel pump sound when I switch the ignition key on. Does anyone here faced this problem before?There is a couple of things that I had failed on the bike.Water pump leaked even before the first service,the fork seals went bad before 6000km,and now the fuel pump.Should the sound of the fuel pump be as loud as the F4? Regards, Iskandar Z

-- Iskandar Z (yojo@tm.net.my), November 06, 2004


Check the ECU and/or the eprom in it.

Regards Roland

-- Roland (rolf4s@yahoo.de), November 07, 2004.

check the fule pump unit inside of fuel tank. Sometimes a fuel tube slips off injection pump.

-- Bernd (bernd.froehlich@arcplan.com), November 07, 2004.

Hi again,thanks for all the feedback.Had it checked today and found out that the junction box is faulty.It's the black box that also holds the fuse box. Regards, Iskandar Z

-- Iskandar Z (yojo@tm.net.my), November 09, 2004.

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