: LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
i have an 04 Brutale with 410 miles on it. do any owners have or had problems with the water pump leaking at the weap hole? i met another owner at a track day and his was leaking also with 550 miles. are we alone? Frankie
-- Frank E. Olivieri (, November 01, 2004
you are not alone. my brutale leaked right at the 600 mile service mark. i was told by the dealer to see if the pump would seal itself. it never did. save yourself some agony and request a warranty replacement. my bike is fine with the new pump now. i think you can find similar comments by looking back through the messages. good luck.
-- ray woo (, November 01, 2004.
The water pump on my Brutale was replaced under warranty as well.
-- doug greenig (, November 01, 2004.
My '02 F4 had a very slight leak at the water pump. It took $8 worth of parts from Ferracci and about 30 minutes for me to big deal.
-- Tim (, November 01, 2004.