Church will obey Vatican's order - RE: gay pride material : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Excerpt from: St. Paul Pioneer Press | 10/29/2004

"Gay pride material to be removed from site

Associated Press

The leader of a Minneapolis Roman Catholic church known for its support of gay and lesbian issues said he would comply with an order from the Vatican to remove gay pride material from the church Web site.

The Rev. George Wertin of St. Joan of Arc said he also would stop allowing unordained guests to speak during the celebration of Mass, which was requested two weeks ago in a face-to-face meeting with two local bishops.

However, Wertin said the local church would keep with its long practice of community decision making, so several parish committees would consider precisely how to respond.

"It takes awhile to turn a ship around," he said."

hmmm... -does 'passive resistance' = obedience

St. Joan of Arc's GLBT Community

-- Daniel Hawkenberry (, October 29, 2004



-- ... (.@...), October 31, 2004.

This is what i posted on the contact us section of the website. I would think that some of our better theologians on this site could post more material to be directed to the Father into convincing him to do his duty.

To whom it may concern, Please pass this letter along to Rev. George Wertin,

Dear Father,

It was brought to my attention that your Catholic Parish site was posting pro-homosexuality material. One particular aspect of this matter interested me. This is, you were quoted as stating that you are allowing community decision making. While I certainly have no qualms with this concept, this can only extend to the range of externals to the parish level of operation. When it comes to making the choice to post pro GBLT material on your Catholic website, you have reached a point where community decision making is at an end, and the shepard (you) must step in and guide the flock to the moral right.

Perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of the Catholic faith is that it DEMANDS that we accept her values, not that we meet in the middle on all things. Religion, Father, is about change: purging from ourselves what is displeasing to God, not fitting our perception of God to what WE believe.

The organization GLBT stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender. This organization which, on a catholic scale, should provide support for a celebate lifestyle instead supports participation in the annual gay pride celebration (which supports all manner of non catholic beliefs which are destructive to the sheep of your flock). Even in reading one of the articles posted on your site I read that we are "to support these kids in an open and nonjudgmental manner." While I agree whole heartedly that we need to support those Gay and Lesbian people who wish to enter the church, it is our duty to support them in a manner which will lead them back to the moral right. What use, Father, is loving people, if your love allows them to continue in a fallen state.

I know, Father, that what I ask of you is no easy task. As you said, it takes time to turn a ship around. Here I would reply that under certain limitations dropping a drag item and pulling tiller hard over can pull you around almost immediatly if the need is there. This issue is a great need Father, and if there was ever a time to take the lead and turn this ship now, it is this time. I ask you humbly, despite whatever your personal beliefs may be, to lead your parish away from these harmful ideas and into the moral right which we are given by God through the servant of the servants of God, our Pope John Paul II.

Best wishes for a most blessed day and course chosen,

~Paul H

-- paul h (, October 31, 2004.

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